Juice Feasting

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Katrina’s Unassisted Birth: Interview with Angela Stokes-Monarch

In 2013 I (Katrina Rainoshek, Co-Founder of Juice Feasting) was interviewed by my good friend, Angela Stokes-Monarch, about the home birth of our daughter Sophia and the unassisted home birth of our son Alexander.

When I first heard about unassisted birth, I knew it was something I wanted to experience. I devoted myself to learning everything I could about birth, breastfeeding, and new babies, through books, videos, interviews, and time with other home birthing and unassisted birthing mamas.

After the successful home birth of our first daughter (attended by a wonderful midwife,) I felt very excited, and ready, to have an unassisted birth with our second child. My husband, David, and I along with our daughter Sophia, were blessed to have the experience of unassisted home birth with our son, Alexander!

In addition to speaking about both my children’s  pregnancies and births, I also answer Angela’s questions about our family’s choices around prenatal care, blood work, infant testing, circumcision, vaccines, tandem nursing and more!

My family and I were living next door the Stokes-Monarch family when their daughter, Oria Berry, was born in an unassisted water birth at home in Ecuador, and Angela is one of my dearest inspirations to the unassisted birth of Alexander.

It was a joy to speak with Angela and to share with her some of the most intimate details of my birthing and mothering experience. This was the first time I have talked about my births in an interview!

I hope you enjoy listening as much as I enjoyed sharing!

Most sincerely,

Katrina Rainoshek
Co-Founder, Juice Feasting

P.S. If you like this conversation… check out Days 47, 48, and 49 on the 92-Day Juice Feasting Nutrition Program, which are all about nutrition for pregnancy and raising healthy children! If you are not yet a member of Juice Feasting, check it out!

P.P.S. Home birthed, Happy, and Healthy: Sophia and Alexander Rainoshek in the Summer of 2013: