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Vitamin B-12 and Plant-Based Diets: The Research

If you eat a plant-based diet: Vegetarian, Vegan, or Raw/Live Vegan… or have friends who do… or if you did one of these diets for years, listen up.

The research is in: Plant-Based Diets, for all their healing benefits, leave adherents with dramatically lower – and health damaging – Vitamin B12 levels.

While I have written about this extensively in B12 Exposed, I wanted to link a few clinical studies – peer-reviewed research – into this blog post, and then I invite you to join the The B12 Exposed Course and discuss this important topic with us.

Here is the Research:

 The long and short of it is that dietary human-active B12 is nonexistent in a Vegan Diet (and very low in Vegetarian diets), which raises blood homocysteine levels – a precursor for cardiovascular disease. It also reduces the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood, decreases digestive strength, and creates the preconditions for Alzheimer’s and neurological disorders.

SO, if you are eating plant-based for healing temporarily, or for moral or health reasons long-term, please heed the research above! Supplement with human-active B12 – you can find excellent options in the B-12 Exposed Course.

On the other side are healthy B12 levels – and reduced inflammation, greater energy (due to increased oxygenation), healthier digestion, better cardiovascular health, and a better life with fewer medical expenses. Not bad for a little Vitamin that is so easy to get, once you know what to do!

See you in The Course!

Stay Sharp,

David Rainoshek
Master Coach and Author
The B12 Exposed Course