Juice Feasting™ | The Revolutionary Story
How David’s Hero’s Journey with Acid Reflux Disease, Overweight, Arthritis, Candida, Hypoglycemia, Adrenal Exhaustion, and Pre-Diabetes Lead to Discovering the Deepest & Most Powerful Cleanse Ever
Is There an Easy Way to Cleanse Completely?
What is it Possible to Heal?
Press the Reset Button and Help Your Body Shed the Toxins and Weight that are Making You Sick.
Get Your Energy and Your Life Back
From: David Rainoshek, M.A.
Master Coach and Founder, Juice Feasting
Dear Health Seeker,
Over the next few minutes I’m going to introduce you to a revolutionary and rapidly growing Life Practice that I developed over ten years ago with my colleague John Rose (who saved my life) to rapidly heal your body and transform your life.
What You are About to Encounter is an Idea Whose Time Has Come. Juice Feasting, as you are about to learn, is Healling Through Incredible Abundance.
. . . and if you read this short letter entirely you’re going to know how you can protect yourself and your family from the unnecessary suffering and trauma that 70% of people in the United States today are facing due to causes that YOU can prevent.
The information below will not only help you understand Juice Feasting and its dramatic ability to reduce and eradicate most western health challenges, but will also introduce you to a rock solid method to transform your whole life…
No matter what diet you’ve been eating…
What is the Cleansing Sweet Spot?
. . . You hear the word “cleansing” thrown around a lot in natural health circles, but few people actually understand how cleansing really works and what is truly possible. That’s why many of us do not heal. I tried using my juicer to juice fast, did the Master Cleanser for 12 days, and even tried water fasting. But those cleanses are too extreme, too weak or too short for most people who need to address chronic health concerns.
There was something simple, yet profound that I was missing. I had not yet hit the deep sweet spot of cleansing and healing that I am going to share with you here.
You’ll be shocked – as I was – at how simple it is to relieve yourself of innumerable and preventable health challenges once you know how to put yourself in the biggest cleansing “sweet spot” ever discovered
These preventable, healable health challenges rob you of your potential for a full life of passion and creativity. They affect how you feel, how you treat those you love, and sap you of the vital energy you could be using to live your unique self purpose.
Before I discovered what to do, I thought my life was over. I was taking six different medications every day before the age of 27.
But I kept plugging away… I knew I would find something that would heal me, and that it would involve food and cleansing (not drugs and medication). What I did not know is that what would save me would change the lives of hundreds of thousands of people in just a few short years.
My constant pain and sickness had purpose: it led me to discovering The Cleansing “Sweet-Spot” we call Juice Feasting: a bullet-proof solution to a growing laundry list of preventable health challenges that we badly need to heal NOW.
And I do mean NOW. 70% of the U.S. population is now overweight or obese, and 70% of Americans are on pharmaceutical drugs. Over half the westernized world is clinically pre-diabetic. Our biggest killers are heart disease and cancer – diseases we now know have causes that can be minimized and eradicated.
Why Are We Sick?
And Why is it So Hard to Get Well?
Alfred E. Newman said, “We are living in a world today where lemonade is made from artificial flavors and furniture polish is made from real lemons.” And Astrid Alauda said, “Did you ever stop to taste a carrot? Not just eat it, but taste it? You can’t taste the beauty and energy of the earth in a Twinkie.”
In Westernized societies the disturbing Truth is that our food is lacking in Goodness – both in nutritional content and meal size – and our eating such food is resulting in the fading of Beauty.
A July 2008 Johns Hopkins University study published in Obesity projects that by 2030, 86% of Americans will be overweight or obese, and a shocking 24% of U.S. children will be overweight or obese by 2015.
Childhood obesity has more than doubled in children and tripled in adolescents in the past 30 years, and 1 out of 3 children born today will develop diabetes in their lifetime.
Toxic Waste Matter Builds Up in Your Intestines, Making You Sick
The average person has between 5 and 30 pounds of this uneliminated waste matter in their intestines, blocking digestion and secreting toxins into the body. Oftentimes it is so impacted it is shaped like the intestines.
Below are pictures of the Uneliminated Waste Matter in the intestinal tract and colon of almost everyone in the western world. It forms over decades of eating – and even if you have adopted a healthier diet and lifestyle in the past few years, it is very likely you have some of this in you. Such uneliminated waste in your body is damaging to your health, to say the least.
Do you know where you absorb 90% of your nutrition? Through the small intestine. But if it’s clogged with the stuff you see above, you don’t get the nutrients from your food. That leaves your body feeling hungry, it it places more orders for nutrients that it is not getting, causing you to feel like eating even more food.
It also means that you are not absorbing the nutrition from all those expensive supplements and super foods you have been eating, which is like flushing miracle foods and your money down the drain, literally.
But that is not all…
You create more brain-balancing neurochemicals in your gut than in your brain. And if this waste matter is in your gut, it imbalances your brain chemistry, creating foggy thinking, depression, anxiety, lack of creativity, poor sleep…
Juice Feasting is designed from the ground up to get the junk out. Your body will be given the tools, the energy, and the permission needed to let go of all that yuck in a SHORT period of time.
The results? A happier brain and a body that is FAR more well nourished than before… and that is just for starters, as you will see.
Juice Feasting is also designed to address toxicity that is not visible to the naked eye…
65,000: The Number of Human-Created Toxins Assaulting our Immune Systems…
The sources of Toxicity are all around us. We’ll show you how to get the lead (and more) out…
Every year over 13 million people across the globe are diagnosed with cancer and 7.6 million people die because of cancer. This is about 13% of all global deaths. The U.S. ranks in the top three countries with the highest rate of cancer in both men and women. This is not an accident.
70,000 chemicals, according to the E.P.A., are used commercially. 65,000 of those 70,000 are potentially hazardous to our health. According to the Environmental Defense Group, more than 4 billion pounds of toxic chemicals are released into the environment each year, of which 72 million pounds are known carcinogens.
These cancer-causing agents end up in our air, our water, and our food.
In other words, we are surrounded by carcinogens, and we have to use what we as human beings have used all along for survival: a certain amount of cleverness and thoughtfulness in our lives to counteract the lack of consciousness that the corporations and ourselves are living with.
Different tests on the blood and urine of adult Americans have found a total of 167 compounds, with an average of 91 compounds in each person. Of these 167 compounds, 76 are known to cause cancer, and 94 are toxic to the nervous system, 82 effect the lungs, 86 effect hormones, and 79 cause birth defects.
In unborn babies, the Environmental Working Group has found a total of 287 chemicals in the baby’s blood; 180 are known to cause cancer, 217 are toxic to the brain and nervous system, and 208 cause birth defects in animals. Our future generations are explicitly at risk.
Wouldn’t it be nice to find a simple, natural remedy that can act as a practical antidote for this situation? I think so, too, and that is why we are here.
The Health Effects of Toxicty are Devastating…
Disease has weight to it. Mortality rates among the overweight and obese are telling: A recent study in the New England Journal of Medicine showed that being overweight increases the risk of death by 20 to 40 percent, and by two to three times in cases of obesity.
Obesity carries with it a multitude of increased risk factors : heart disease, depression, acid reflux, diabetes, dementia, arthritis, cancer, stroke, kidney disease, sexual dysfunction, and sleep disorders.
With modern research data and its digital dissemination for all to read, the general debate is over on this one: Overweight is associated with numerous diseases, shortens life, and creates direct and associated economic costs:
The U.S. will spend over $3.5 TRILLION dollars on health care this year, much of which could be prevented.
I know it, you know it, and it is why we have created Juice Feasting: to answer the immense call and need for healing in the western world in a way that is accessible to EVERYONE.
We’ve Been Lied To: Modern Medicine Doesn’t Remove The Actual Causes of Disease
Modern Medicine is an Expensive Band-Aid Approach.
The reason why it’s so hard to heal our health challenges is because there are so many, and the modern medical approach is to ignore the underlying causes and treat specific symptoms with drugs.
Remember, most of our ill health arises from very similar underlying causes: stagnation, toxemia (drugs, food additives, agro and industrial chemicals, uneliminated waste matter in our bodies), and deficiency.
Take arthritis for example.
Chronic joint pain is incredibly common in the western world, yet most of it is caused by poor hydration, a lack of alkaline minerals in the body, and inflammatory dietary agents such as wheat, dairy, processed sugar, and GMOs.
Or consider acid reflux disease, (which I had). This preventable condition is the reason over the counter antacids are a perennial top-seller for Big Pharma.
This multi-billion dollar cash cow can be healed in as little as 7 Days of Juice Feasting by rebuilding the alkaline lining of the stomach and rehydrating the body. Stomach Acid is good for you… and this serves to increase stomach acid production.
…I know when you read the following you may be skeptical and say “Acid reflux is too much acid.” That’s what Big Pharma would like you to think.
Actually, reflux is caused by a weakened stomach lining that is deficient in organic sodium (such as in celery – the center of juices on any Juice Feast). The weak stomach lining reacts to the presence of strong stomach acid.
The key is not to diminish your natural production of strong stomach acid but to rebuild the alkaline stomach lining.
The healing experienced from Juice Feasting on a myriad of western health challenges – such as those seen below – is just as dramatic. And it’s easy to see why once you understand how Juice Feasting is designed to remove the underlying causes of most major diseases to rebuild the body’s physiology, biochemistry, and immune system from bottom to top.
If You Have These Symptoms, It’s Likely That Toxemia is Causing Your Declining Health
Sore Throat
Ear Ache
High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)
sugar and alcohol cravings
cravings for carbohydrate rich foods
(bread, pasta, rice, etc.)migraines
chronic fatigue
muscle weakness
foggy thinking
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
sinus inflammation
low sex drive
ear aches
athlete’s foot
chronic pain
Candida Yeast Syndrome
Symptoms are Signs That You Are Marching Through the 7 Stages of Disease…
There are Seven Stages of Disease – which you will learn about in the Juice Feasting Program. As more studies are done on the underlying causes of these Seven Stages of disease, it is being understood that stagnation, toxemia and deficiency contribute to most of our illnesses, including far more than just those listed below.
Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis
Cardiovascular Disease
Clinical Depression
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Gastroesophogeal Reflux Disease (GERD)
Urinary Incontinence
How Would You Like to Get Your MOJO Back?
…in a moment, I’m going to share with you exactly how you can remove the underlying causes of these symptoms and diseases, rebuild your body, and get your energy and your life back with the most powerful method for eliminating toxicity that has helped hundreds of thousands of people since I started sharing it online 10 years ago…
…just so you know… the amazing results you are about to see from people around the world…
I didn’t just stumble onto this method by chance. It was after a very long and painful journey, and I want to share this story with you so you’ll understand exactly how I discovered Juice Feasting, and how it works…
Like Most People, I Thought the Standard American Diet Was Healthy and Normal
My story on this has little to do with long-haired rainbow-loving parents, Birkenstocks, Volkswagens, hugging trees—not to take anything away from these. . .
Juice Feasting creator David Rainoshek… not doing so well before the miracle of Juice Feasting changed everything.
I grew up in Houston, Texas, adding gloriously to the pollution of person and place, enjoying the ridiculous variations of food concoctions built on the same basic dietary theme pushed on and widely available to all Americans: sugar, wheat, dairy, meat, and artificial coloring and flavoring.
It was the pesticide, herbicide, fungicide, algaecide, larvicide-laced, pasteurized, homogenized, modified, fortified, slow-suicide-type of subsidized, advertised, propagandized, televised, irradiated, constipated, glow-in-the-dark food which is antibiotic, idiotic, toxic, synthetic, pathetic, depleted, weak, bleached, colored, eroded and bar coded.
And yet, I grew up through the age of 12 with few health concerns, active, and doing well in school. Until mom asked me at the beginning of 7th grade, “Do you want to take your lunch to school, or get it in the cafeteria?”
I was growing up. A man doesn’t take mom’s lunch to school—he gets it himself. “I’ll get it at school” were words I would live to regret…
My Downward Spiral into $50,000 of Medical Expenses
Sadly, like most schools in the U.S., my school, had a wonderful array of so-called foods only matched by – ironically – hospitals and the penal justice system.
Looking back on my report cards, that was the year it all went into the toilet. My mind became constipated, imbalanced, bereft. I remember putting teaspoons of sugar in my Coca-Cola.
I developed acid reflux disease that year, and over the next twelve years – despite an active life of sports and eventually a vegetarian diet – my symptoms grew worse: stomach pain, irritability in the early morning, arthritis, hypoglycaemia, high blood sugar, and the need to sleep 12 hours a night to physically function the following day.
I was in hell this way for three years after backpacking the 2,200 mile Applachian Trail from Georgia to Maine in 1999. I spent $50,000 on medical bills trying to figure out what was wrong – and was prescribed a whole host of pharmaceuticals ranging from antacids, pain killers, psychotropics, and over-the-counter medications.
This was the medicine cabinet I used to manage symptoms before I learned how to the underlying causes of my health challenges with Juice Feasting. After just 10 Days of Juice Feasting, I did not use ANY of these ever again. That was 10 years ago…
After 3 years of feeling like I was going to die (my heart often felt like it was going to beat out of my chest) I encountered my colleague and friend John Rose, who taught me how to Juice Feast for healing and health.
And heal I did.
David and his Dad, Dennis Rainoshek. Both have Juice Feasted for 92 Days to save their health.
My intractable symptoms of 12 years left in 3 weeks, I lost 50lbs, and had my life back. And I understood that my suffering – that the circumstances of my life – had meaning. I studied nutrition and developed the 92-Day Juice Feasting Nurition Program, which has benefited hundreds of thousands across the world over the last 10 years.
And we are just getting started. The moral: do not doubt the circumstances of your life. You are here for a reason, and it extends beyond your own healing to that of people you have not even met yet, and to entire societies of people who desperately need to heal as well.
See What the Experts Are Saying…
Angela Stokes of Raw Reform on Juice Feasting:
Angela Stokes
“When David Rainoshek first started speaking to me about living on just juice for 92 days, I thought it sounded outlandish and totally unrealistic. I was also ready, however, for some deep detox and cleansing of my system. The more I listened to David, the more it started to make sense. Before long I found myself embarking on my own three month Juice Feast with David as my Coach,sharing the journey with the world as I went, via my blog.
I’d already been raw for 4.5 years when I started Feasting – I’d already lost over 160lbs of excess fat and toxins, just from eating raw. Yet I still had a LOT of detox to unfold, having weighed nearly 300lbs at my heaviest, just a few years earlier.
My Juice Feast was a completely phenomenal, life-transforming experience for me. People don’t tend to come out the other side of Juice Feasting for three months without having experienced some pretty major life shifts…and my experience was no exception to this.
I lost a further 18lbs, released a lot more ’emotional baggage’ and was, to my utter surprise, still having solid bowel movements, 92 days into the Juice Feast. . . :O If that doesn’t tell us something about how much waste there is to release from our systems, I’m not sure what would. . .
Since my own Juice Feast, I have guided countless others along this path to more vibrant health. I feel Juice Feasting is such an incredible healing tool and thoroughly encourage people to make use of it and set out on their own juicy journey.”
– Angela Stokes of Raw Reform
The Health Ranger Mike Adams On Juice Feasting:
“It’s rare for something to come along that impresses me so much as a healing modality that it instantly changes my own life habits. But I’ve recently been introduced to a plant-based medicinal modality that’s so incredibly effective at preventing and reversing disease that I believe it is “the” cure for cancer society has been looking for.
Mike Adams, The Health Ranger
I believe it’s not only a cure for many cancers, it’s also a documented, proven cure for type-2 diabetes (a disease the American Diabetes Association laughingly claims “has no cure”). It can also completely reverse heart disease, depression, most mood disorders, liver disease, kidney stones, chronic inflammation, arthritis, gout, urinary tract infections, asthma and numerous other health conditions.
I’m drinking five quarts of juice a day, which means I’m drinking thousands of phytonutrients from about fifteen pounds of fresh produce every single day. That means I’m bathing my body’s cells in the most powerful disease reversing medicine in the universe. While the USDA recommends that Americans get 3 servings a day of vegetables (and that can include dead, cooked or pasteurized vegetables), I’m getting an incredible TEN servings a day (at least!) of RAW, fresh vegetables. And on top of that, I’m getting at least FIVE servings a day of raw, fresh berries and disease-reversing fruits.
I’ve personally found Juice Feasting to be nothing less than life-changing. Once I tried this for three days, I was hooked. I’ve now been on a modified Juice Feast ever since I met David Rainoshek. It has become my new, healthy lifestyle.
I believe Juice Feasting is the future of medicine, healing, and overall health.”
– Mike Adams, The Health Ranger
Author Brigitte Mars On Juice Feasting:
Brigitte Mars, Author
When I was in my early twenties, I discovered a large lump in my breast. I went to three different doctors, and each one more adamantly proclaimed that I needed to have surgery to have the lump removed. I made an appointment.
The weekened before the surgery, a friend suggested that I do a 40 day Juice Feast. He even offered to do it with me to lend support. I made the decision to postpone the surgery and try Juice Feasting. I dove into making fresh made juices, mostly vegetable and some days of all fruit. After the third day, I was not hungry and during the cleanse I had so much energy and vitality. By day 21, the lump had totally disappeared! I continued my commitment to the 40 days. I never had the surgery, or a reoccurance.
I am a believer in Juice Feasting! It works!
Many blessings, Brigitte Mars.
Dr. Brian Clement On Juice Feasting:
Dr. Brian Clement, Hippocrates Health Institute
Juice Feasting is a lovely terminology. Rather than deprivation, fasting, suffering, and all the old terms were out there in the field… I think that the new generation has given us some bright light on the subject.
On the first day people come in and they’re new to this diet, they all think, “I’m going to starve, I can’t do this.” But by the third day, practically everyone, even the big over-eaters, say, “Oh my God! I’m not even hungry!”
If one is Juice Feasting on Green Juices, and particularly sprout juices, they are very high in protein. There is a major biochemical component of protein that will regulate the blood sugar and diminish the desire for food… complete protein juices that are completely digestible go into the bloodstream and regulate the blood sugar, and that is extremely helpful…
Dr. Brian Clement, Hippocrates Health Institute
Cathy Silvers (Jenny Piccolo from Happy Days)
David Rainoshek, you are a Master of Vegan Live-Food Nutrition!
I thank you for all your excellent research and assistance on this book (Happy Days, Healthy Living).
On to the future of living foods and the healing powers of Juice Feasting!
Cathy Silvers
Happy Days, Healthy Living
Cathy Silvers, Happy Days
Jameth Sheridan N.D. On Juice Feasting:
Dr. Jameth Sheridan, ND of HealthForce Nutritionals
“Nothing cleanses, heals, nourishes, and rebuilds a body like a comprehensive superfood juice cleanse… and Juice Feasting is a stellar superfood juice cleanse. When you flood your body with the huge quantity and quality of nutrients that Juice Feasting provides, you heal on unprecedented levels.
These elements include structured, low surface tension water from fresh juices that unclump the red blood cells that flow through your veins. Unlike, water fasting (which, although it has helped very many, I consider it barbaric by comparison) or single cleanses (just colon, just kidney, just liver, etc.), the Juice Feasting program is comprehensive.
Juice Feasting addresses all avenues of detoxification and elimination, while simultaneously providing complete nutrition with the combined elements from both the juices and superfoods. You stop living a toxic lifestyle and start living regenerating one. The Juice Feasting program goes far beyond just giving you a taste of cleansing and rebuilding, it is hard core healing. It immerses you in a lifestyle that can save your life!”
Jameth Sheridan, N.D. of HealthForce Nutritionals
Dr. Fred Bisci, PhD on Juice Feasting:
“I’ve known thousands of people over the last 40 years that have been juice fasting, but nobody really got into Juice Feasting, where you could drink large amounts of juice to help them be able to function while they were on a liquid diet and feel comfortable, create satiety, and be satisfied. I think the Juice Feast works better than the juice fast because it seems to enhance the person’s brain chemistry. [Juice Feasting] also means a lot less detoxification symptoms because of the juices are really alkalizing. You have a good idea, and I encourage people to do it!
You’re going to heal a lot of people doing this. You are an inspiring young man.”
We Have Found That Run of the Mill Approaches to Health Just Don’t Work…
Krispy Kreme donuts offered at the gym? Honestly…
So we know our bodies have a toxic burden that causes disease… and toxicity has weight to it. (We have got to get the lead out – literally!)
Big Business and Big Pharma don’t want to empower you to heal yourself. They actually have a financial interest in sending mixed messages that will confuse and limit your health. They do this by ignoring the most important parts of true healing: removing the underlying causes of disease.
We need to:
Cleanse Our Bodies of Toxicity
Rebuild Tissues Damaged by Toxicity
Rehydrate Every Cell with Living Water and Fresh Juices
Alkalinize Our Bodies With Mineral-Dense Foods
Juice Feasting – and the creators of Juice Feasting – take all these important aspects of weight loss, detoxification, and healing into account
What that means for you is deep nourishing healing and health upgrades for your whole life. Juice Feasting itself is designed to train your body to ask for the foods that keep it well long after the Juice Feast.
Many of us have been to the moon and back with diets, exercise, and modern medicine and would like some insight – or confirmation of your own thoughts and experiences – on why these short-sighted approaches were doomed to fail.
Let’s put our past experiences in a useful context and get down to where it’s really at with Juice Feasting!
Get Off the Treadmill… Juice Feasting Simply Works
90-Day Juice Feast: Reluctant Dad
“I don’t know if I should Tell you this, but I don’t think I am going to need back surgery. My Back doesn’t hurt much anymore.”
– Dad Rainoshek, Day 43
Professional Architect
60 hour work week
Back Pain – 3 different doctors called for surgery
Standard American Diet
Sleeping 8 Hours but tired
45 lbs weight loss!
No Need For Surgery
Lacto/Ovo/Pesco/Pollo Vegetarian
Anger/Agitation GONE
Sleeping 8 hours, energetic
Threw out the Grill!
92-Day Juice Feast: Angela Stokes
Raw Food Educator
Author, Lecturer
4.5 years Raw Vegan, Plateaued
Left morbid obesity behind losing over 150 lbs
Lost 18 lbs!
Teaches Live Food Nutrition Worldwide
Well Known Writer and Blogger
120-Day Juice Feast: Educator
“I would not have made it through the semester if I had not been Juice Feasting!”
School Psychologist, Age 39
Houston, Texas
12-hour work days at school
2 hours of commuting per day
Married with 2 children
Near Morbid Obesity
Standard American Diet
Allergies/Sinus Problems
80 lbs weight loss!
NO Depression
Allergies GONE
90-Day Juice Feast: College Student
“I was driving down the freeway [In Houston] looking at the traffic, the people inside their cars, advertisements on the billboards, the concrete and construction, and I started to cry tears of great compassion for everyone. I just used to be so angry, but now it is just love and understanding. I am completely arrested by the love I feel for everyone.”
College Student, Age 28
Full Time College, plus 20+ hour work week.
Ovo Vegetarian
Sleeping 8 Hours and still waking up tired
50 lbs weight loss!
Raw Veagan, Potlucks, Food Preparation
Anger/Agitation GONE
Allergies GONE
Sleeping only 6 hours and feeling energetic
Changed Relationships
Threw out the Microwave!
Find Out Why Juice Feasting is The Solution That Other Cleanses Just Can’t Touch
Juice Feasting is a MAJOR upgrade from water or juice fasting (cleanses you can only do for a short period of time due to a lack of calories).
Juice Feasting is, at its heart, about self-empowerment and abundance. Instead of a fast (in which you don’t give your body enough calories) this is a FEAST!
Why a Juice Feast? You will be juicing 12-15 lbs of produce EACH DAY to make 4 QUARTS or more of juice, super-nourishing and cleansing your body.
JUICE FEASTING means you can drink all fresh, nutrient-dense juices for up to 92 Days healing and preventing almost every major health challenge we have developed in western society.
Join thousands of individuals, including recognized health professionals who are switching on to Juice Feasting as a way to make significant healing and health possible for themselves, their clients, and those they love.
Our Mission: Juice Feasting is Designed to be Accessible to You
Accessibility is at the Heart of Our Mission for the Juice Feasting Program.
We made certain that everyone can do this by design..
When I finally healed from all of my health conditions I knew that this information had to be available to everyone. This is why Accessibility is one of our top priorities in the Juice Feasting Program.
An education at Harvard is available to all, but accessible to few—financially, and practically speaking. Healing Centers and Retreat Facilities are available out there – just like a Harvard Education. I’ve worked at one of the best. However, they are not nearly accessible enough to turn the health crisis train around.
The costs of running a Healing Center or Retreat make their services too expensive, not to mention the costs of travel and time off work.
Therefore, if a health program is to be one that can truly turn the tide of our growing health crisis, it must be not only available, but truly accessible. This is why we have created the Juice Feasting Program online, to be accessible to everyone.
Anyone can access this valuable information on how to Juice Feast, and the produce for a Juice Feast costs only about $5-10 more a day than your average grocery/food bill…
Juice Feasting Delivers Extraordinary Health Results Like These. . .
This is so exciting! Many of us have truly great health challenges as we enter the Juice Feast. . . we need something that can meet us where we are at.
Successful Juice Feasting students have, over the years, overcome decades of: fibromyalgia; back pain requiring surgery; type-II diabetes; heart disease; cancers; hepatitis C; PMS; heavy metal toxicity; depression; acid reflux disease; chronic fatigue; overweight/obesity; sexual challenges; dehydration; malnutrition; chronic underweight; parasites; bloating; candidiasis; the list goes on and on. . .
“Dear David and Katrina,
Thanks for the information! I’m interested in the new juices. I’m on my 30th day, lost 20 lbs. removing toxins from my liver and other organs, getting my lymph to move, feel wonderful, never hungry. Not bad for 60!!
I have been using so much of the information on the 92 Day Program. I’ve started using the Thyroid drink with radishes.
My daughter, who is currently living in London, UK (I’m in Calgary, Alberta, Canada) is the one who mentioned this to me. She’s Juice Feasting too!
Great job you guys!!!!”
Skin will clear and glow with health
Your joints will be hydrated and pain free
Your tendons and muscles will become more flexible than you have ever experienced
You will move through and transform any unhealthy relationships you have with food
Your bowel and intestines will become clean and healthy
Your eyesight may improve
Your breath will become sweet
Your sweat will become sweet too!
You will clean out your body making it easy for your intentions to manifest in a clear way
Mucus will disappear
You will re-claim control over your own health and well-being
Your sleep will truly become beauty sleep
and much more!
During the Feast, students lose approximately 1-2 pounds each day for the first 10-14 days, then drop back to ¼ to ½ pound per day for the remainder of the Juice Feast.
And if all this isn’t enough, we also consistently find that Juice Feasters find their energy continues to increase throughout the Program. We would all love more energy to do the things we love, and to spend quality time with the people we love, in our day to day lives!
A recent educator in the elementary schools whom I coached remarked, “If I had not been Juice Feasting, I do not think I would have made it through the semester.” This from someone working 12-14 hour days, in the city at an elementary school. Inside of a semester, decades of chronic fatigue, constipation, sluggish thinking, and morbid obesity were history, which brings us to the next quality we are looking for in a Bona-Fide solution. . .
Track Back in Time – Up to 120 Days for Every Day You Juice Feast…
Think about this. How many years did it take for your health challenges to develop? For most of us, we can think in terms of decades. We do not suddenly “get” anything – the underlying causes take a very long time to develop—a testament to the miraculous resilience of the body in less than optimal conditions. Fortunately, the healthy person we were is still there, waiting to be released if only given permission, and a little time.
Can you imagine if we healed as slowly as we took on our decades-old health challenges? It took me 20 years to develop a full-on case of acid reflux disease, hypoglycemia, and chronic pain everywhere.
Yet in just three short weeks of cleansing, all of my crippling symptoms had resolved… the underlying causes were transformed and removed. At the end of my first 92-Day Program, I had lost 50+ lbs, and was mistaken for a person nearly half my age, which felt pretty good, I must say.
We are time travellers on a Juice Feast, going back in time about 120 days for every day that we Feast. Let me say that again:
We go back in time approximately 120 days for every day that we Juice Feast!
While drinking the most amazing juice we have ever had, we can resolve decades-old challenges in a small fraction of the time that it took to develop them, and this. . .
You Can Juice Feast While Working and Taking Care of Your Family
Having the time and money necessary to attend a Heath Center or Retreat is a real challenge with the demands of family, finances, and work.
Historically, if someone has wanted to fast to completion to resolve their health challenges, time would need to be taken off work to attend a Center, or to allow enough space on one’s own to deal with the detoxification issues of deep cleansing. Moreover, many people feel weak the first time or two that they fast, due to the heavy toxic load being re-released into their system before exiting. These historical realities of cleansing have made working, taking care of others, and cleansing/fasting incompatible.
With the age of the Juice Feast, these concerns are over.
By drinking enough juice to supply your body with every calorie it needs, including all the fat, carbohydrates, protein, enzymes, phytonutrients, water, and minerals you require, Juice Feasting empowers you to feel great, work, take care of others, and cleanse at a deep level—enough to reverse many of the most heinous health challenges and leading causes of disease today.
Don’t Depend on a Broken System Anymore… Juice Feasting Empowers You to Take Care of Yourself
I joke with my students that after the Feast, I don’t want to see them again.
What I mean is that I see it as my goal to educate everyone about nutrition and cleansing to such an extent that you never need consult someone on nutrition again.
With Juice Feasting you will:
Understand the underlying causes of disease.
Know what the best resources are out there are.
Have no doubt in your mind what the best foods available are, and what they do for you.
Develop confidence through experience in your own ability to heal.
Be a leader among your family, friends, community, and society.
Develop a mind on fire, a true super-sponge; your body an understandable thing of beauty; your life—a vibrant conduit for the highest good possible!
We all want excellent health – no one wants to suffer unnecessarily, or witness their loved ones live less than a vibrant and happy life. Whether we are red, white, black, brown, or yellow; Buddhist, Muslim, Christian, atheist, Jewish, or Hindu; Canadian, American, European, Asian, or from another planet; Republican, Democrat, Anarchist, Socialist, Liberal, or Conservative. . . we all want good health and are tied to the same realities which govern it for better or for worse.
Juice Feasting Has Been Created to Uncover and Unleash The Very Best in You
Danish philosopher Soren Kierkegaard once said, “Our greatest fear is knowing our own true potential.” You have capacities for love, healing, well-being, service, and happiness that are incredible. You no longer need be afraid of knowing your true potential!
From what I have now revealed to you, you can clearly see a multitude of positive results with Juice Feasting. Without question you will also come up with a list of you own personal positive results when you embark on your own Juice Feast using the 92-Day Juice Feasting Nutrition Program for inspiration during and after your Feast.
Here’s What Juice Feasters Experience…
“I have been reading the comments you are leaving, and I have to say I LOVE you guys 😉 It’s day 6 for me and I have waves of bliss, ecstacy, and divine grace filling my body. Thank you so much for crating this safe haven for transformation, I know I will never be the same.”
“Thanks for writing me back its good to have people that are around to lend a helping hand. I also want to say thank you for the support through blogs and your web site for everyone doing the Juice Feast. I am 25 and have been obese my whole life, and to have the support and charisma is by far one of the most important ingredients in being successful. I can’t wait until I have successfully completed my 92 days to show everyone the new me, and to finally be at peace with myself. You guys ROCK!!!!”
“Wow, your website has changed my life! You are both an inspiration to the world and everything in it. The wealth of information and wonderful videos have empowered me to make true shifts in my health, both mentally and physically.
It is my desire to inspire others to overcome their health challenges and let them in on how my journey is going. So instead of just showing my friends and family my daily Juice Feasting blog I would like to share with you both too.
Also, if you have any tips or would like to share your thoughts with me about ANYTHING, I would love to hear from you both. My goal is to overcome candida!”
“Dear Katrina and David,
I just wanted you to know that I LIVE for your videos and the support materials you are providing. I’m in awe of the enormity of the task you have undertaken on our/the planet’s behalf and your ability to synthesize material from such diverse sources into the tangible.
Additional thanks for tackling the difficult subjects e.g. enemas. How ever did you manage to do it clinically and with great humor. I loved seeing George Bush as the test subject.
A huge thank yoooouuuuuu!”
“Hi, David and Katrina.
I”m on Day Five of my first Juice Feast. While I respect your privacy and need for space while you yourselves are cleansing, I can’t suppress the impulse to write to thank you for your comprehensive website and your enthusiastic support of those looking for incredible health.
You give us a wealth of information without inundating us with empty rhetoric or hyperbole, you share honestly about your own experiences, you incorporate humor, and you offer opportunities to hear from others on this or similar paths. I”m sure you know already how valuable and groundbreaking your work is. I just want to add my voice to the choir singing your praises.
I wish you continued joy and success. I feel very fortunate to have access to your guidance!”
“Dear David and Katrina,
I have just watched the last Juice Luck video, and as always it was a pleasure to keep up to date with everyone. I noted your comments on that there had been about 20 (I think) people who had finished the 92 day feast to date.
I just thought I’d comment that I’ve been there with you guys all the way, I’m on day 81 today and will definitely go the whole 92, have even scheduled a few days away in nature for breaking the feast, but due to my really busy schedule, I’ve kept abreast of all the news/blogs.
I just want to thank you both for such an amazing programme. You really are contributing so much to the global shift in consciousness and this has been one of the most amazing things I’ve ever done, physically, emotionally and especially spiritually.
I am a natural therapy practitioner and teacher myself and this will certainly have a knock on effect on all my clients to whom I’ve been “spreading the word” along the way. I will definitely do the program again in the future!
Thank you for your wonderful contribution to humanity and may you both have many blessings on your journey through life.”
“Hello David!
THANK YOU so much for your life’s work! I am sincerely grateful for you and all you have helped me with. I completed a 92 day juice feast last fall and it freed me from 20 YEARS of chronic and debilitating fatigue and adrenal problems not to mention a huge addiction to stimulants just so that I could stay awake in my day job! The juices were a miracle that I prayed for and was so amazed to receive!
You blessed my life David! I thank God for you so much!
I can’t tell you how alone I am in my search for health and how much it has helped me change for the better to stumble across your information!
Much much love to you and your sweet family!”
“Dear David and Katrina,
I’ve been following your juice feast program for 9 days now. I’ve been searching for the right solution to my health issues and I now know what I need to do. It’s shocking that there is so much mis-information out there.
Even after such a short time on the juice feast, I’ve gotten off my anti-depressants AND all my bio-identical hormone replacements without any menopausal side effects. Wow! And I’ve lost 7 pounds.
And that nasty black plaque came out of my colon exactly like the photos you posted!
In the next few days I’ll break below the 200 pound mark for the first time in several years. It’s so exciting! This is a radical shift for me.”
“David and Katrina,
I just wanted to pop in here to say thanks for this juice feasting. I love the websites and all you have done.… I am now On Day 9 and I am already feeling good things happen to me. I have so much more energy now. I did and hour and a half of exercise today and Never even got sore. I felt so much Stronger too.
This will change the way I eat for the rest of my life. So thank you so much for having this up here and getting so many people doing this too. I love to share with them too.”
“That’s an awesome site you’ve got going…
I just spent most of tonight watching and reading and have barely scraped the surface.
What an amazing source of info! Thank you both for being so thoughtful in providing this knowledge and in getting back to people, and basically just sharing your life experience with us all!
It’s all very encouraging for me 🙂”
“Hey David and Katrina!
You and Katrina changed the path of my life a few years back with your Juice Feasting Program. I started with a 13 day Juice Feast. I then went from Vegan to Raw Vegan and recently became a Certified Raw Nutritionist and am sharing juice feasting and the power of a raw, plant based diet with anyone who wants to learn.
So, thank-you for your inspiration and support. I wish you all the happiness, health, love and success in the world 🙂
I wonder how many lives you and Katrina have changed… and I smile 🙂 Thanks again 🙂”
We Created Juice Feasting to be Easy For YOU
It All Starts With the Ultimate Preparation Course…
By the End of the Juice Feasting Prep Course You Will Have Covered in-Depth the Importance of Juice Feasting, and How to Properly Prepare for a Successful Feast of 1 Day, 1 Week, 1 Month, or 92 Days!
Juice Feasting is the Product of over 10 Years of Professional Research! You Will Have Access to the Full Juice Feasting Preparation Course as a Guidebook for Educating Yourself and Your Loved Ones About The Best Way to Cleanse, Rebuild, Rehydrate, and Alkalize.
A LIFE PRACTICE: Learn How to Use Juice Feasting as a Life Practice Through Every Stage of Your Healing Journey, Your Dietary Journey, and Your Whole Life.
NEW: The Juice Feasting Prep Course Has Just Received a MAJOR Series of Updates by David and Katrina Rainoshek, Including a Greatly Expanded Question and Answer Section Based on the Best and Most Important Questions Asked in the Ten Years of Juice Feasting’s History.
All of this, in Addition to a One Year Membership to The Juice Feasting Green Room so that you can meet fellow Juice Feasters who will Support you on Your Juice Feast and Beyond.
Frankly, everyone, it is impossible to fully express to you just how much amazing research and experience you are accessing here. This incredible Juice Feasting Prep Course is just part of Davids’ 20,000 hours of research on nutrition and health.
This is a towering labor of love: a massive nutrition and health course with a high level of detail and access that you can place in your own digital library and use for a lifetime. It is a great joy to release it NOW to YOU!
For more on David and Katrina’s 92-Module Health Mastery Course (which you can benefit from on or off a Juice Feast), read on below!
The Heart of Juice Feasting:
The Complete 92-Module Health Mastery Course
For you, as our student, we present The 92-Module Health Mastery Course, a treasure-trove of exciting information, stories, music, movies, interviews, lectures, books, and files for you to learn all about personal healing with Juice Feasting.
We Support You With a New Engaging Topic Every Day for 92 Days
When you join Juice Feasting Pro today, you will gain access to our website, including:
1. The How to Juice Feast Course
2. The 92-Module Health Mastery Course, and
3. The Green Room Community
Each Day you will receive an email that will invite you deeper into the 92-Days of nutrition and health information collected, highlighted, and organized by David Rainoshek, M.A. and Katrina Rainoshek. You can join in the lively discussion on a full range of topics and experiences in The Green Room.
We have invested over 30,000 hours establishing this program for YOU, and more is being added and upgraded each day.
A very important aspect of the 92-Module Health Mastery Course is its design as a college-level course opportunity, and a way to quickly review the the entire Spectrum of Diet from Junk Food to an Integrated Diet.
The Course is designed so that you don’t have to gather the information yourself through costly book-buying, hours of internet research, and conversations with people who may or may not have the latest or most advantageous information for you.
Every day we, David and Katrina Rainoshek, are updating the Juice Feasting Program’s files on diet, health, and nutrition in order to bring to you the very cutting edge of nutritional and health research.
The information you receive in the 92-Module Health Mastery Course has been collected from thousands of resources, including books, online resources, interviews, class lectures, and personal discussions with top colleagues in the field.
This knowledge, research and experience is priceless because the most valuable thing to each and every one of us is our personal health.
Out of The Vault:
You Will Access David’s Private Health and Wellness Files on Over 350 Topics
You are going to have one great nutrition file library! David has made available 350 of his private files to support you in educating and inspiring yourself.
These files are frequently updated and represent the culmination of hundreds or even thousands of hours of David’s research on each topic.
Each file been created as an accessible and neatly organized resource for your maximum benefit! You will save countless hours of combing through all the disparate information out there and get right down to the heart of the matter on topic after topic.
David’s files are an incredible resource, significant in their depth, scope, usability, and dedication to providing you the best information possible on nutrition and health.
You Get New Presentations, Interviews, Film Shorts and Documentaries Every Day
Throughout the 92-Day Juice Feasting Program you will find video presentations by David and Katrina Rainoshek, often 30-60 minutes in length, in which we discuss the Topic of the Day in-depth, providing you with potent articles, books, excerpts, pointers, and details on Juice Feasting.
In addition, we have reviewed thousands of hours of some of the best films, documentaries, and shorts available to make the best viewing available for you right on each Day of the Program to inspire and support you the whole way.
We have designed the Juice Feasting course to appeal to you no matter what your learning style, so you can expect to find a multitude of engaging ways to dive into each Day’s topic. Every stage of the Program is an engaging multimedia experience.
No matter what your learning style, you will find a multitude of engaging ways to dive into each Day’s topic.
You are Supported by Our Community in
The Juice Feasting Green Room
We have established the largest online group of Juice Feasters anywhere.
The Green Room was created so that you can set up your own blog, post videos and photos, create forum topics, email other Juice Feasters past, present, and future, and ask questions of the entire Green Room community, including David and Katrina Rainoshek.
When you join the Juice Feasting Nutrition Program, you gain access to The Green Room for One Full Year!
In the Green Room, we list written and video blogs worldwide, and more are being added all the time so that you can profit from the experience of other Feasters at every point of the journey.
We also started the Global Juice Feasts (our first was in 2008), to integrate a community of persons worldwide who are Juice Feasting and interacting simultaneously.
We Make Sure Juice Feasting Stays Fresh For You Year Round
It’s only getting started at Day 92.
As a member you will get continued support throughout the year with access to even more topics and media available for you while you continue on your Health Journey.
You will also receive regular updates, new lectures, interviews, presentations and research files to add to your library. All of this with continued access to the site and the Green Room Community means you will have all the support you need for your transformation!
You Are Incredibly Important to Us… All of Us
Yes, you.
By Juice Feasting you are becoming one of the most important people on the planet.
You know how to look after your health, and this is empowering in endless ways, including a sense of self-respect that can dramatically impact the lives of those around you. When we truly value ourselves, we value all life, and this is important for the health of the entire planet.
We’re here to help YOU to become an experienced Juice Feaster, that you may be a bright and shining example of what is possible, supported by your own radiant heath.
Juice Feasting is Backed by a Dedicated Team That Provides
Your Juice Feasting Membership includes the 92-Module Juice Feasting Health Mastery Program including:
The How to Juice Feast Course and The Juice Feasting Green Room.
With Pro Membership, you get in for $FREE for the first TEN days!
That is how firmly we stand behind the depth, scope, and value of Juice Feasting.
Your PRO Membership is Easy to Start Today…
Get Ready to Transform Your Life with Us!
Act NOW. Start Your Health Transformation with the Best!
Thank you very much for taking the time to read this letter ~
Enjoy Juice Feasting! See you inside!!!
P.S. Remember, most of us have suffered the effects of the western diet and lifestyle, and whether you are eating a McDiet, the best diet possible, or something in between, knowing how to access Juice Feasting as a Life Practice will serve you not only now but for the rest of your life. While living your daily life, this is truly the “cleansing sweet spot,” the most powerful way to Cleanse, Rebuild, Rehydrate, and Alkalize that you will ever encounter, and anyone – YOU – can do it. Click above to get your course moving today.
P.P.S. If you’ve read about Juice Feasting in this letter, then no doubt you understand why it is so important to integrate this as a Life Practice. I originally developed the 92-Day Juice Feasting Nutrition Program as educational and inspirational support for Juice Feasts of any length from 1 to 92 Days. But I soon realized that what I had created was a powerful Nutrition Course for anyone – Juice Feasting or not. So whether you are ready to Juice Feast or are just kicking around a few juices, the 92-Day Nutrition Course will be a tour de force that will inform and inspire you for your whole life. We guarantee it, and it comes with a 60-Day money back guarantee. You have nothing to lose, and only your energy, vitality, and deep life purpose to uncover, cultivate, and offer to everyone who will benefit from your better health achieved as an Act of Love.
Please don’t hesitate, if you don’t act today, you might be looking back at this moment in the future wishing you took action now. This is your Call to Adventure for a healthy life of ever deepening purpose and inspiration to everyone you encounter.
+ World Health Organization: Cancer Fact Sheet, January 2013
+ Body Burden: The Pollution in Newborns by The Environmental Working Group July 14, 2005
+ “Obesity Rates Continue to Climb in the United States.” Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Public Health News Center, July 10, 2007.
+ Youfa Wang, May A. Beydoun, Lan Liang, Benjamin Caballero and Shiriki K. Kumanyika. “Will All Americans Become Overweight or Obese? Estimating the Progression and Cost of the US Obesity Epidemic.” Obesity, Advance online publication, July 24, 2008 DOI: doi:10.1038/oby.2008.351
+ Wolf AM, Manson JE, Colditz GA. The Economic Impact of Overweight, Obesity and Weight Loss. In: Eckel R, ed. Obesity: Mechanisms and Clinical Management. Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins; 2002.
Answers from Juice Feasting Founders David & Katrina Rainoshek to the most Frequently-Asked Questions about Juice Feasting…
Q: Why Does Juice Feasting Work So Well?
A: Juice Feasting is at a “sweet spot” of significant or deep enough cleansing and healing to take care of most health challenges, while allowing the time for cleansing and healing to play out over a long-enough period with sufficient calories to allow you to Feast while going to work and taking care of your daily life.
Even if it is just a 1-Day, 3-Day, or 7-Day Juice Feast, this is a most accessible and excellent practice to initiate you into the Spectrum of Cleansing with visible results in even a short period of time.
Q: Will I Lose Weight?
A: Yes! Most people see significant weight loss during a Juice Feast – often 1/2lb to 1lb per day for the first 10-14 days, and 1/4 to 1/2 pound for each Day thereafter.
The weight you are losing has many components. You have un-eliminated waste matter in your intestinal tract and colon that will be released – pounds and pounds of it. You will lose extra water weight There is fat loss – and fat stores a great deal of toxicity. Excess fat also creates poor blood sugar balance, so as it drops off, you will metabolize carbohydrates better. If the lymphatic system has been stagnant (you experience this as puffiness in your skin) it will reduce. You will also shed a lot of dead and dying cells, to be replaced by fresh new vibrant tissues.
The bottom line is that disease has weight, and as you lose weight – which you will in a very healthy way (you will be juicing 12-15 lbs of fresh produce each day!) you are removing matter that would otherwise cause ill health and disease. This is an incredible advantage you can access through the use of Juice Feasting as a periodic Life Practice for the rest of your life!
Finally, if you are already at your ideal weight, a shorter-term Juice Feast is most appropriate for you. Consultation with your health professional is always advised for the most skillful application of any health practice.
Q: Am I going to get enough nutrients on a Juice Feast?
A: Juice Feasting involves drinking the juice of 12-20 pounds of fruit and vegetables every day, in addition to using Green Superfood Complexes (such as Vitamineral Green), Spirulina and Chlorella (65% protein), bee pollen granules, and 1-2 Tablespoons of high-Omega-3 content oils. For most of us, no matter what our dietary history before a Juice Feast, this is more nutrition – and more bioavailable nutrition – than we may have ever received in our lifetimes (save our months/years of breastfeeding).
Q: What is The Spectrum of Cleansing? What is the difference between all these cleanses out there from Water Fasting to Juice Feasting?
A: There is what I (David Rainoshek) call a Spectrum of Cleansing, which is a spectrum of legitimate detoxification and healing techniques (practiced from pre-modern times to the present) that move in two general trends:
Short-Term Cleansing/Healing to Long-Term Cleansing/Healing
Quick and Deep Cleansing/Healing to Gradual Long-Term Cleansing/Healing
From Short-Term, Quick and Deep Cleansing/Healing to Long-Term, Gradual Cleansing/Healing, the Spectrum of Cleansing looks like:
Each of these are legitimate practices of cleansing and healing that have been fully tried and tested with great success cross-culturally for a total of thousands of years. How to choose? The first question is, “Are You Experienced?” or “How Experienced Are You?” in each of these practices:
Dry Fasting
Water Fasting
Juice Fasting
Juice Feasting (the “Sweet Spot” of Cleansing and Healing)
Modified Juice Feasting
Smoothie Feasting
Raw/Live Vegan Diet
Vegan Diet
Vegetarian Diet
Whole Foods Diet
Juice Feasting has been developed to be accessible and do-able by almost anyone, regardless of prior cleansing experience or type of health challenge (that being said, do consult your health professional). Juice Feasting is at a “sweet spot” of significant or deep enough cleansing and healing to take care of most health challenges, while allowing the time for cleansing and healing to play out over a long-enough period with sufficient calories to allow you to Feast while going to work and taking care of your daily life.
Even if it is just a 1-Day, 3-Day, or 7-Day Juice Feast, this is a most accessible and excellent practice to initiate you into the Spectrum of Cleansing with visible results in even a short period of time.
Over the years, you will find yourself personally and intimately familiar with the entire Spectrum of Cleansing, and understand intellectually and intuitively which part of the Spectrum is skillful for you any given time or health reality that you encounter. The Spectrum of Cleansing is a basket of Nutritional Life Practices that is absolutely essential. Enjoy developing your skills and knowledge over time, at your pace.
Q: How will I function at work while I’m Juice Feasting?
A: Many people have Juice Feasted while continuing to meet their life’s daily demands.
Many people even report feeling more inspired, energized, focused, and productive while Juice Feasting, and actually exceed the expectations of their work place.
Juice Feasting is a cleanse though, and it is normal to have days where your energy is lower and more rest is needed to support healing. If possible on these days, stay at home and assure those around you that they will be rewarded with a healthier, more productive you if you are allowed to rest and heal.
Q: What Equipment Will I Need For My Juice Feast?
A: For making juice you will need:
Juicer and/or a high speed blender and nut milk bag
Cutting board
Chef’s knife
Storage containers for juice (our favorite is the wide mouth mason jar, perfect for juice storage and juice drinking.)
Fridge space
For cleansing support you will need:
Enima Kit
Skin Brush
For more detailed info, please refer to the Kitchen, Bath, and Body section of the Juice Feasting Intro.
Q: Isn’t it Difficult to Stay Just on Juice?
A: Many people find that Just Juice is so wonderful they never want to stop Juice Feasting! But, without the right support and/or life circumstance it can be difficult.
We have designed the Juice Feasting program with your success in mind! It is there to support you in your journey, and we hope to minimalize difficulty. We also encourage you to remember that anything worthwhile will be difficult at times, and Juice Feasting is no different.
The rewards on a Juice Feast are often far greater than the difficulties, making the effort meaningful and exciting, remember you are on a Hero’s Journey!
Q: Can I Juice Feast while taking my pharmaceuticals? Can I get off my medications?
A: This one requires prudence, and we ask that you seek medical guidance with your health professional.
We understand that seventy percent of all Americans are on pharmaceuticals, and the rest of the westernized world is not far behind. We can also say that from our education and experience, most – if not all – of the pharmaceuticals prescribed merely palliate and address symptoms instead of removing underlying causes. Many, many Juice Feasting students and adherents of diets further up the Spectrum of Diet beyond the Standard American Diet have left their pharmaceuticals behind for good. I (David Rainoshek, M.A.) did.
That being said, there are tens of thousands of pharmaceuticals out there, and we cannot advise you, our many wonderful students, on each and every one, and whether it is safe or not to Juice Feast while taking them. We are not medical doctors. Please, please, please consult your physician or health professional about your pharmaceuticals and Juice Feasting
Q: My diet is the worst ever, and I have eaten like Morgan Spurlock in Super Size Me for years. Can I go right into a Juice Feast?
A: The conventional wisdom – back in the days of only water fasting – was that no one wanted to enter a fast unless they had already cleared some of the old stuff out. This was actually good advice, because water fasting, as we have said, does not support the organs of elimination, and a re-entry into your system of years-old toxic McMatter is very unpleasant, to say the least.
Juice Feasting allows us to play by different rules. We can go from any diet right into a Juice Feast without any cleansing/health preparation beforehand. Green Vegetable Juices, of which you are drinking a minimum of 2 quarts each day, act like Liquid Plumber to help the un-eliminated waste matter in your intestinal tract and colon move right on out. We are also employing the use of Intestinal Movement Formula and the Intestinal Drawing Formula to isolate and move out toxins, in addition to enemas, hot/cool showers, exercise, Natural Cellular Defense (to grab industrial chemicals, agrochemicals, and food additives), etc. so that all these things move efficiently from your system. Also, because you are actually feeding yourself everything you need, the cleansing process at the cellular level is slowed just a bit over water and juice fasting, and this means that the McMatter there will release more slowly, reducing significantly cleansing reactions and healing crises.
Q: What is Juice Envy?
A: This is a term David coined in 2013 to describe the look in his wife’s eyes when she smelled his delicious, fresh squeezed juices: life-affirming, inspired envy.
(David did share his juices with Katrina, and she was pleased with all the freshness it brought to her days while not doing a full Juice Feast due to the fact that she is still breastfeeding their baby son.)
Many people who are Juice Feasting inspire those living with them to start drinking more juice and eating more fresh food just because their juices and the process of juicing smells so good!
Also, the health benefits of Juice Feasting are noticeable in a very short period of time, and this is very attractive to those around you… who doesn’t want to be well and radiate health and vitality?
Your partner, your friends, your extended family – these significant people in your life may find themselves inspired to Juice Feast and upgrade their lives, as well. (And you don’t need to say anything… just do what you do – they will see the results and ask).
Q: Where is more support?
A: Great question! Everyone needs support of some kind on a Juice Feast. We have set up for you several guaranteed options for Juice Feasting support of a knowledgeable and engaging people. First is The Juice Feasting Green Room for Members of the 92-Day Juice Feasting Nutrition Program.
The Green Room was established in its earliest version in 2004, and has grown in size and format since then. What you will find in The Green Room is a community of members and practitioners of Juice Feasting who have joined the 92-Day Program and have a level of knowledge that stretches from beginner to very advanced. Here you can create a profile page, load a blog, interact with everyone else in the Green Room publicly or privately, load audio and video, share photos… It is guaranteed support from a knowledgeable community.
The 92-Day Juice Feasting Program is a support designed by David Rainoshek since 2003, and has been continually updated over the last decade. I developed 92 Days of potent, engaging, integrated, seasoned, hard-won information so that YOU would have informational and inspirational support guaranteed for as long as you Juice Feast up to 92 Days. Katrina and I have poured our hearts – the best of ourselves and our nutritional and health expertise into this Program for your benefit. You can access it from the home page of Juice Feasting.
Juice Feasting Coaching is another level of support. On the site you can find and hire a coach that is intimately and personally familiar with Juice Feasting as a Life Practice, that has coached others in the field of natural health, and has been fully vetted by David Rainoshek, M.A.
The Juice Feasting Talks and Interviews Page has a series of interviews Katrina and David have done since 2007 with various colleagues in the natural health community. Once you access the page, they are downloadable for playing on any device. These interviews are full of inspirational gems and wisdom from the creators of the 92-Day Juice Feasting Program.