Meet The Founders and Creators of
David and Katrina Rainoshek are the Founders and Creators of the 92-Day Juice Feasting Program at For the last two decades, David has been coaching 92-Day Juice Feasts for clients worldwide, teaching about Juice Feasting and Evolutionary, Transformative, Integrative Nutrition.
David is a coach, researcher, author, and lecturer. In 2006-2008 he served as Research Assistant to Dr. Gabriel Cousens MD for the book There is a Cure for Diabetes. As leading Research Assistant, David served as head juice fasting coach, ran the weekly Q&A, and taught the 10-week nutrition education classes to kitchen and garden apprentices at the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center in Patagonia, Arizona in 2006-07. Over his career, Rainoshek has taught hundreds of thousands through personal coaching, books, articles, lectures, interviews, online research programs, and webinars.
Katrina Rainoshek joined David in 2008 in educating individuals and groups online, at expos, and festivals, and retreats about the possibilities and realities of Juice Feasting, Live Food Nutrition, and The Four Means to Get Your Greens.
David Rainoshek is the author of B-12 Exposed; We are All Fukushima: An Integral Perspective on the Meanings and Promises of Disaster; and HyperLearning: A Revolutionary Approach to Learning in the Integral Age.
Upcoming books include:
+ Juice Feasting: An Integral Hero’s Guide
+ The Spectrum of Diet: Integral Evolutionary Nutrition
David also presents and hosts online webinars, including HyperLearning, B-12 Exposed, The MicroAlgae Webinar, with more in the offing for 2019-2020.
In the past several years, David has been applying the Integral approach of world-renown philosopher Ken Wilber to nutrition in his upcoming book, The Spectrum of Diet: Integral Evolutionary Nutrition. The Spectrum of Diet advocates a developmental model of nutritional and health evolution, with an Integrated dietetic incorporating truths from all nutritional perspectives and practices.
David Rainoshek on Juice Feasting as a Hero’s Journey
“In the Hero’s Journey of Juice Feasting, your aim in the beginning is to re-establish health, but upon completion you recognize that Juice Feasting is more than a means to physical renewal—it is the actualization and realization of your highest potential as a human being. The Journey is Awakening itself.
You become a modern hero – not in an ego-centered way, but as an individual who, with great compassion born of experience through the trials, transformations, and insights from your own Journey, hears the cries of the world, and offers a way out simply by the virtue of your deep, vibrant, and conscious daily life nourished by food eaten as an Act of Love.”
– David Rainoshek, M.A., Master Coach and Founder, Juice Feasting
A Powerful Interview With David Rainoshek and Health Expert Kevin Gianni
““There are some people who you just know are smart. David is one of them. He stands out among his peers. He’s also diligent. He’s a true researcher.””
David Rainoshek, Master Coach and Founder, Juice Feasting
Kevin Gianni, creator of Renegade Health
We Created Juice Feasting to be Easy For YOU
It All Starts With the Preparation Course…
By the End of the Juice Feasting Prep Course You Will Have Covered in-Depth the Importance of Juice Feasting, and How to Properly Prepare for a Successful Feast of 1 Day, 1 Week, 1 Month, or 92 Days!
Juice Feasting is the Product of over 10 Years of Professional Research! You Will Have Access to the Full Juice Feasting Preparation Course as a Guidebook for Educating Yourself and Your Loved Ones About The Best Way to Cleanse, Rebuild, Rehydrate, and Alkalize.
A LIFE PRACTICE: Learn How to Use Juice Feasting as a Life Practice Through Every Stage of Your Healing Journey, Your Dietary Journey, and Your Whole Life.
NEW: The Juice Feasting Prep Course Has Just Received a MAJOR Series of Updates by David and Katrina Rainoshek, Including a Greatly Expanded Question and Answer Section Based on the Best and Most Important Questions Asked in the Ten Years of Juice Feasting’s History.
All of this, in Addition to a One Year Membership to The Juice Feasting Green Room so that you can meet fellow Juice Feasters who will Support you on Your Juice Feast and Beyond.
Frankly, everyone, it is impossible to fully express to you just how much amazing research and experience you are accessing here. This incredible Juice Feasting Prep Course is just part of Davids’ 30,000 hours of research on nutrition and health.
This is a towering labor of love: a massive nutrition and health course with a high level of detail and access that you can place in your own digital library and use for a lifetime. It is a great joy to release it NOW to YOU!
For more on David and Katrina’s 92-Module Health Mastery Course (which you can benefit from on or off a Juice Feast), read on below!
The Heart of Juice Feasting:
The Complete 92-Module Health Mastery Course
For you, our student, we present The 92-Module Health Mastery Program, a treasure-trove of exciting information, stories, music, movies, interviews, lectures, books, and files for you to learn all about personal healing with Juice Feasting.
We Support You With a New Engaging Topic Every Day for 92 Modules
When you join Juice Feasting as a Pro Member today, you will gain access to our website, including:
1. The How to Juice Feast Course
2. The 92-Module Health Mastery Course, and
3. The Green Room Community
Each Day you will receive an email that will invite you deeper into the 92 Modules of nutrition and health information collected, highlighted, and organized by David Rainoshek, M.A. and Katrina Rainoshek. You can join in the lively discussion on a full range of topics and experiences in The Green Room.
We have invested over 30,000 hours establishing this program for YOU, and more is being added and upgraded each day.
A very important aspect of the 92-Module Health Mastery Course is its design as a college-level course opportunity, and a way to quickly review the the entire Spectrum of Diet from Junk Food to an Integrated Diet.
The Course is designed so that you don’t have to gather the information yourself through costly book-buying, hours of internet research, and conversations with people who may or may not have the latest or most advantageous information for you.
Every day we, David and Katrina Rainoshek, are updating the Juice Feasting Program’s files on diet, health, and nutrition in order to bring to you the very cutting edge of nutritional and health research.
The information you receive in the 92-Module Health Mastery Course has been collected from thousands of resources, including books, online resources, interviews, class lectures, and personal discussions with top colleagues in the field.
This knowledge, research and experience is priceless because the most valuable thing to each and every one of us is our personal health.
Out of The Vault:
You Will Access David’s Private Health and Wellness Files on Over 350 Topics
You are going to have one great nutrition file library! David has made available 350 of his private files to support you in educating and inspiring yourself.
These files are frequently updated and represent the culmination of hundreds or even thousands of hours of David’s research on each topic.
Each file been created as an accessible and neatly organized resource for your maximum benefit! You will save countless hours of combing through all the disparate information out there and get right down to the heart of the matter on topic after topic.
David’s files are an incredible resource, significant in their depth, scope, usability, and dedication to providing you the best information possible on nutrition and health.
You Get New Presentations, Interviews, Film Shorts
and Documentaries Every Day
Throughout the 92-Module Course you will find video presentations by David and Katrina Rainoshek, often 30-60 minutes in length, in which we discuss the Topic of the Day in-depth, providing you with potent articles, books, excerpts, pointers, and details on Juice Feasting.
In addition, we have reviewed thousands of hours of some of the best films, documentaries, and shorts available to make the best viewing available for you right on each Day of the Program to inspire and support you the whole way.
We have designed the Juice Feasting course to appeal to you no matter what your learning style, so you can expect to find a multitude of engaging ways to dive into each Day’s topic. Every stage of the Program is an engaging multimedia experience.
No matter what your learning style, you will find a multitude of engaging ways to dive into each Day’s topic.
You are Supported by Our Community in
The Juice Feasting Green Room
We have established the largest online group of Juice Feasters anywhere.
The Green Room was created so that you can set up your own blog, post videos and photos, create forum topics, email other Juice Feasters past, present, and future, and ask questions of the entire Green Room community, including David and Katrina Rainoshek.
When you join the Juice Feasting Nutrition Program, you gain access to The Green Room for One Full Year!
In the Green Room, we list written and video blogs worldwide, and more are being added all the time so that you can profit from the experience of other Feasters at every point of the journey.
We also started the Global Juice Feasts (our first was in 2008), to integrate a community of persons worldwide who are Juice Feasting and interacting simultaneously.
We Make Sure Juice Feasting Stays Fresh For You Year Round
Your learning, growth, healing, and support continues YEAR ROUND.
As a Pro Member you will get continued support throughout the year with access to even more topics and media available for you while you continue on your Health Journey.
You will also receive regular updates, new lectures, interviews, presentations and research files to add to your library. All of this with continued access to the site and the Green Room Community means you will have all the support you need for your transformation!
You Are Incredibly Important to Us… All of Us
Yes, you.
By Juice Feasting you are becoming one of the most important people on the planet.
You know how to look after your health, and this is empowering in endless ways, including a sense of self-respect that can dramatically impact the lives of those around you. When we truly value ourselves, we value all life, and this is important for the health of the entire planet.
We’re here to help YOU to become an experienced Juice Feaster, that you may be a bright and shining example of what is possible, supported by your own radiant heath.
Juice Feasting is Backed by a
Dedicated Team That Provides
Your Satisfaction is 100% Guaranteed
Your Pro Membership includes the world-famous How to Juice Feast Course, and the Juice Feasting Green Room.
With Pro Membership , you can get in FREE for 10 Days.
That is how firmly we stand behind the depth, scope, and value of Juice Feasting.