Oral hygiene is really important to keep in mind not only in the morning, but throughout the day. Even your Green Vegetable Juices are about 60% carbohydrate, so you can get a coating of plaque in your mouth if you do not rinse after drinking juice.

You are going to want to use a Stainless Steel Tongue Scraper. During any cleanse, you will often find a yellow or white coating on your tongue, which many cleansing professionals over the years consider a reflection of your bowel toxicity. You may want to take your tongue scraper with you to work if that coating returns during the day.


Dr. Richard Anderson, in his excellent book Cleanse and Purify Thyself, has this to say about the tongue during a cleanse:

Many people notice that as they cleanse, their tongues turn whitish-gray and filmy, and the breath becomes more and more foul. This reflects what is happening in the digestive canal. As they drink fresh juice, mucoid layers will soften, and so they may notice that the abdomen swells. As more and more mucoid layers are removed, the swelling goes down, the tongue gradually becomes clearer, and the breath improves. This is a good gauge as to how clean a person is becoming, for when you are totally clean, the tongue will be shiny red (just like a newborn baby’s). It will be free of all whiteness or film, and the breath will be sweet (unless we eat onions or garlic).

Another question is brushing teeth. I like to use a capful of 3% hydrogen peroxide during a Juice Feast (do not swallow Hydrogen Peroxide – just swish and brush and rinse), or a little Baking Soda (sodium bicarbonate – NOT Baking Powder!) on my toothbrush. Both freshen your breath and do not have the taste of anything that might remind you of food. Also, many toothpastes have things in them you would rather not inject anyhow.

For much, much more on oral hygiene and Biological Dentistry, including important information and research on Root Canals, Mercury Fillings, and Fluoride, see Day 44: Biological Dentistry and Teeth in The 92-Day Juice Feasting Program.