These Jars are the Official Jars of Juice Feasting, since 2004.

When Juice Feasting, Quart-sized, wide-mouth Ball Mason Jars are excellent for measuring the amount of juice you are drinking, and for taking juice on the go without concern for spillage. 

Since they are made out of glass, you will not find the taste and health quality of your juices affected by storage in plastic.

Ball Mason jars store easily in a cooler, which you may want to use if your juices are going to be a while between juicing and a refrigerator at work. They are also great for mixing in any supportive elements of the fast, such as Green Superfood Powder Concentrates, Blue Green Algae, hemp oil, MSM, and so on. The lids seal up tight, so that you won’t find your juices spilling all over the place when you take them with you.

When you pick these up at the grocery store or order them online, make sure you get a set of wide mouthed Ball Mason Jars, so that you can fit your hand inside to get them clean. We also suggest that you purchase a Case of 12, so that you can always have enough to carry your juice, some are in the sink or dishwasher, and if a few get broken, no big deal. A case should cost around $12-20, and these are great for taking your smoothies, etc. on the go with you after the Juice Feast.

Finally, if you have a Food Saver device, there is an attachment that will allow you to vacuum seal these jars completely. If you want to do that, great. It will remove more of the oxygen and keep your juices more vibrant.