These bags are for use in straining juices (mainly Green Vegetable Juices) made in the blender. Also useful for making nut and seed mylks when not Juice Feasting.
When you order these, order 2-4 NUT MYLK BAGS. The reason is that these are essential for making Juices on your Juice Feast, and for making delicious nut and seed mylks beyond the Juice Feast. Make sure that you have enough of these, they will last you for a decade or more.
Also: clean your nut mylk bags in 3 percent hydrogen peroxide every week. The best way to do this is put a cup of hydrogen peroxide in a glass, and submerse your nut mylk bag in it with a spoon on top to hold it down. Just leave it like this while you are away at work, and rinse when you get home! Here are my instructions:
Note: An old t-shirt, a pillow case, or a lady’s knee-high nylon stocking can serve the same function for Juicing until your Nut Mylk Bags arrive. These stop-gap options work temporarily, but they don’t clean up as well, and are not as sturdy as Ellie’s Pro Quality Nut Mylk Bags. We are still using ours from the 2008 Global Juice Feast.