Intestinal Drawing Formula (IDF) has been formulated by Jameth Sheridan, ND to draw in and eliminate poisons from the entire intestinal tract and bowel. IDF also soothes and helps rebuild the intestinal tract. IDF does not bload or constipate like psyllium-based shakes, yet it has much more toxin absorbing power, and will assist in the normalization of the bowels. This drawing formula is not habit forming, and is safe to use on the Juice Feast.
On the Juice Feast: We have spoken with Dr. Sheridan about the appropriate use of this product while Juice Feasting. We arrived at 1-2 teaspoons twice daily. It is important to use IDF away from your juices, as it will absorb the nutrition from them if taken in close proximity to your juice. The best time in the morning to use IDF would be about 45-60 minutes before your first juice of the day, and in the evening about 1-2 hours after your last juice. Start with 1 teaspoon in the morning, and 1 in the evening, and work up to 2 as you are comfortable. IDF on the 92-Day Juice Feasting Program as designed by David and Katrina Rainoshek uses IDF for the first 30 Days, as this is the point in the Feast where the most massive release of toxins occurs.
If you would like to continue using IDF throughout the Juice Feast, you can, particularly if you have been very overweight and toxic. For many, however, we begin to enter into a more rebuilding phase after Days 30-45, and we suggest leaving IDF behind and accentuating the use of Vitamineral Green by HealthForce Superfoods, which is a wonderful grounding and rebuilding complement to the Juice Feast and beyond.