Intestinal Movement Formula (IMF) by HealthForce Superfoods
A sluggish bowel breeds toxicity that seriously adversely affects the health of the entire body. Regular bowel movements and a clean colon is foundational to better health. In Juice Feasting, Green Vegetable Juice does act like “Liquid Plumber,” but many of us have been constipated for decades and need some extra help in the initial stages of the Feast to clear old toxic matter from the intestinal tract and colon. This superior formulation (gentle, yet effective) was designed to produce maximum colon cleansing and proper movement with minimal or no discomfort.
According to Jameth Sheridan, ND who developed this formula, “The Intestinal Movement Formula gets the bowels to move and purge without causing the gripping sometimes associated with Cascara Sagrada, Senna, or large amounts of Aloe Ferox (Cape Aloe). It also supports the elimination of fungus, harmful bacteria, and parasites. IMF does not produce rebound constipation, and is safe for long-term use.”
Recommended: Appropriate use of IMF is during the first 7-30 days of a Juice Feast, to ensure that you are having 2-3 bowel movements each day. If you were achieving this level of BMs before the Juice Feast, or ON the Juice Feast, then you do not need IMF (or Cascara Sagrada as an alternative). If you use IMF with your Feast, an appropriate base-level amount is 2 capsules, 3x/day, and perhaps more until you achieve 2-3 BMs each day. Once you are eliminating sufficiently, you can reduce and eliminate your use of IMF on the Juice Feast.