MSM is our #1 Anti-Inflammatory asset for supplementation. MSM breaks down scar tissue. It makes every cell detox better, and receive new nutrients better.

MSM or methyl sulphonyl methane, is a sulphur compound that occurs naturally in our bodies and in our most common foods. Sulphur is found in all body cells, and in many amino acids, vitamins, enzymes and hormones essential for our health.

MSM helps muscle cells receive carbohydrate from the blood, reducing blood sugar significantly.

And all these things relax your body from stresses, and improve your overall energy and well-being.

I have every client take MSM, and have for nearly 20 years of professional coaching practice.

We have dedicated Day 11 of the Juice Feasting Health Mastery Course entirely to MSM.

OptiMSM powder is highly bioavailable, and works well in your Morning Water with Lemon.

Sulphur in the form of OptiMSM is needed for the formation of collagen, which is the fibrous substance in connective tissue. Sulphur is therefore essential for the production of cartilaginous tissue whose elasticity is especially suited to provide support to the body. Sulphur is a significant constituent of skin, hair and nails, and has been called the “beauty mineral”.

This is a supplement that we use on a daily basis. Many of my students have had inflammation and scarring issues that have been mitigated or resolved due to therapeutic use of MSM. For more information, go to the Resources page on to read about The Miracle of MSM by Dr. Stanley Jacob, or go to Day 11 of the Juice Feasting Health Mastery Course

Here is a statement from Bill Rich of Rich’s MSM on his experience:

My name is Bill Rich, and in 1970 when I was in an auto accident. The seat belt would not release and the engine caught on fire, trapping me in the car and cooking me for twenty minutes. I was charcoal from my arm pit down to below my knee and was never was unconscious.

For seventeen years, I cried at night trying to sleep because the scared tissue and adhesions hurt so much. The pain would not allow me to walk, for more than a total of 1 block a day without hurting real bad.

Eleven years ago a veterinarian introduced me to the nutritional sulfur (MSM). Three days later I could out march my troops, I am a 60 year old sergeant in the Oregon State Defense Force.

Later I got reports that our lotion with MSM made scar tissue go away, so I rubbed it into my burn area. That entire portion of my body was flat, purple in color, and was covered by 65 feet of grafting marks. By using the lotion I was able to concentrate the MSM in the areas that weren’t getting enough. The collagen grew in along with new blood vessels and I turned round in shape, pink in color, and now I am down from 65 feet of grafting marks to about 3 inches, and those have nearly faded out.

The MSM has made it possible for me to do all that I do today. And if you know me, you know I hardly ever stop, I just slow down. – Bill Rich

On the Juice Feast: Up to 1 Tablespoon of OptiMSM Powder in your Morning Water, and 1-2 more Tablespoons during the day in your water. If you are new to MSM, make sure to place lemon juice in your water, and begin with 1 teaspoon per quart and work up. MSM is completely non-toxic: it has a toxicity level the same as water. However, it is possible early on to use more than your body knows how to access (resulting in a sulfury burp, nothing more), so start with 1tsp in your Morning Water with Lemon, and work up over a 7-14 Day period to 1-3 Tablespoons per day.

Recommended: Youthening, Reducing stiffness, soreness, pain, inflammation. Improving energy. Detoxification and Improved uptake of every nutrient in your diet.