The Juice Feasting Dialogues: Kevin Gianni Interviews David Rainoshek, M.A.
“In the Hero’s Journey of Juice Feasting, your aim in the beginning is to re-establish health, but upon completion you recognize that Juice Feasting is more than a means to physical renewal—it is the actualization and realization of your highest potential as a human being. The Journey is Awakening itself.
You become a modern hero – not in an ego-centered way, but as an individual who, with great compassion born of experience through the trials, transformations, and insights from your own Journey, hears the cries of the world, and offers a way out simply by the virtue of your deep, vibrant, and conscious daily life nourished by food eaten as an Act of Love.”
– David Rainoshek, M.A., Master Coach and Founder, Juice Feasting
““There are some people who you just know are smart. David is one of them. He stands out among his peers. He’s also diligent. He’s a true researcher.””
David Rainoshek, Master Coach and Founder, Juice Feasting
Kevin Gianni, creator of Renegade Health