Juice Feasting™ | The Preparation Course

Supplements and Superfoods


THE MOST IMPORTANT THING YOU ARE DOING ON A JUICE FEAST is drinking 4 or more Quarts of Fresh Juice each Day, and supporting your organs of elimination through enemas, exercise, skin brushing, hot/cool showers, and adequate rest.

Supplements are add-ins. Some are very powerful, effective add-ins, but they are still additions. We are not supplements fanatics. Supplements are useful, particularly for re-establishing balance when less than the best diet and lifestyle has been practiced for some years.

But supplements can be pharmaceuticalized.

What we mean by that is that many, many people use supplements like they use pharmaceutical drugs: to mask symptoms or to make up for poor diet and lifestyle. There is no substitute for a healthy diet and life.

We are going to teach you through the 92-Day Juice Feasting Program how to access the most abundant life possible, that integrates skillful supplementation and creates well-being through drawing in the best foods, thoughts, conversations, and experiences.

That being said, we have very carefully chosen some very specific and powerful supplements and (Super)foods to add into your Juice Feast to help your body more effectively CLEANSE – REBUILD – REHYDRATE – ALKALIZE. Some of these items will break up scar tissue, others reduce inflammation, or pull agrochemicals and industrial toxins from every cell in your body, and a few are just extremely mineral dense to make up for deficiencies you may have developed over the years.

Below we are going to review what these goodies are, and the potential benefits to you. Here and in the Juice Feasting Timeline portion of the Prep Course, we will cover what professionals suggest as a recommended amount for these Supplements and (Super)foods, and the amounts that we use when Juice Feasting.

Vitalzym is a safe and effective alternative medicine formulated for individuals seeking relief from inflammation and fibrosis conditions. As we age, our body’s natural production of enzymes may slow. Supplementation with Vitalzym along with proper diet and exercise helps to maintain normal enzyme levels, balancing your body’s own repair mechanisms. Vitalzym is a safe option for alleviating chronic pain and inflammation associated with rheumatoid arthritis and fibrosis. Vitalzym promotes: Metabolism and Digestion, proper Breathing and Movement, healthy Liver function and Immune regulation, Cellular detoxification, Energy production and Stamina, and our Ability to utilize vitamins and minerals.

Vitalzym helps reinforce the body’s defense mechanisms in the following ways:

+ Fibrin: Normal levels help guard against the formation of fibrin.
+ Blood: Enzymes help cleanse the blood of debris, maintaining blood health.
+ Immune Function: Enzymes help maintain healthy immune systems.
+ Healthy Circulation: Normal enzyme levels help promote blood circulation.
+ Reduce Inflammation: Helps your body repair damaged tissue, such as post-operative injuries, cuts and bruises. Reduces swelling and inflammation, which often alleviates pain, as is often the case in patients with arthritis or chronic back pain.

On the Juice Feast: Two (2) caps each morning first thing and two (2) caps in the evening about 1 hour before bed is what Katrina and I do. This is a low dose of Vitalzym, and should be safe for everyone. However, Vitalzym does have a blood-thinning effect which could be unsafe for persons on blood thinning medications. As with all of these supplements, consult your health professional.

Advanced Cellular Zeolite (Extra Strength)

Some 70,000 chemicals are being dumped into our environment, 65,000 of which are potentially hazardous to our health. We live in a virtual sea of pollutants, and carry many of these toxins within us. They can be found even in unborn children. A 2004 study by the Environmental Working Group identified 287 industrial chemicals in babies’ umbilical-cord blood, including 180 known to cause cancer and 217 that are toxic to the brain and nervous system.

IN MY MASTERS RESEARCH to develop the most effective nutrient dense Juice Feasting program for my students to Cleanse – Rebuild – Rehydrate – and Alkalize, I recently learned about a naturally occurring mineral called zeolite, which has a unique, negatively charged, crystalline structure. Zeolite is formed from the fusion of lava and ocean water, and combines all four elements. It has been used for more than 800 years in Asia as a remedy for overall health and well-being, and is on the FDA’s GRAS list (generally recognized as safe). Zeolite is available commercially in a purified, activated form, in ACZ Nano Zeolite.

The results of research on Zeolite is very impressive:

  1. Zeolite appears to prevent and may become an important treatment for cancer. In one study, 78 percent of the 65 participants with terminal cancer (all types) are now in complete remission for 12 months (LifeLink Pharmaceuticals, 2005).

  2. It has a chelation-like effect in removing heavy metals (particularly lead, mercury, cadmium, and arsenic), pesticides, herbicides, PCBs, and other toxins from the body. These toxins are strongly correlated with the occurrence of a wide range of diseases, including cancers and neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s, autism, and dementia.

  3. Zeolite also improves liver function, indirectly improving elimination of pesticides, herbicides, and xeno-estrogens.

  4. Zeolite appears to block viral replication, and may prove to be a potent anti-viral and general remedy for all viruses. To date, 40 anecdotal cases of herpes zoster have reportedly been healed. Preliminary anecdotal case studies suggest that it may help alleviate rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and hepatitis C as well as the common cold and flu.

  5. Zeolite’s binding power was proven during the Chernobyl disaster, when tons of it were used to remove radioactive cesium and strontium-90 before they contaminated local water systems.

  6. Zeolite creates a natural buffer in the system by establishing an optimal pH level (between 7.35 and 7.45), which in turn activates healthy brain function and a strong immune system.

  7. It shows promise as an effective detoxifier for prospective mothers. Recently, at the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center, Zeolite was added to the protocol for the 10-day detoxification program for prospective mothers. In two women who just completed the program, toxins in their breast tissue dropped significantly – from 12 in one and 13 in the other to only two – over the course of seven days. Although anecdotal evidence and centuries of use in Asia suggest that zeolite is safe to use even during pregnancy and breastfeeding, its safe use in pregnancy has not been proven in double-blind studies.

  8. According to testimonials, zeolite promotes a sense of well-being, clarity, and happiness. It appears to do this as a consequence of eliminating toxins and also, according to preliminary research, by increasing serotonin production. One study suggests that zeolite also helps relieve depression.

  9. Anecdotal reports suggest that zeolite increases energy, immune function, and general health.

  10. Zeolite neutralizes the formation of nitrosamines in the stomach. Found in processed meats, nitrosamines are one cause of stomach cancer. Another positive effect on the stomach, according to many anecdotal reports, is relief of acid reflux.

  11. Testimonials suggest that zeolite captures triggering antigens, which cause allergies, migraines, and asthma, decreasing the rate and severity of these symptoms.

  12. Zeolite directly absorbs free radicals and thus decreases free radical activity and damage to the body.

This source of zeolite is a clear, tasteless, and odorless liquid that, taken daily as oral drops, supports us in living healthy, happy, and active lives in an increasingly toxic world.

For an excellent article on zeoliote, you can geek out on the Frontiers in Pharmacology review: “Critical Review on Zeolite Clinoptilolite Safety and Medical Applications in vivo.

On the Juice Feast: ACZ Nano Zeolite: 6 sprays, two times per day, orally. Zeolite can be taken for the entire duration of the Juice Feast.

Bee Pollen Benefits.jpg

Bee Pollen is my number one favorite superfood. There are several reasons we include pollen as part of the Juice Feast:

ONE: NUTRITION: Pollen is said to contain all the elements necessary for the sustenance of human life. The San Francisco Medical Research Foundation estimates that pollen has more than 5000 different enzymes and co-enzymes, which is more than any other food in existence. The high amount of enzymes, such as catalase, amylase, and pectin-splitting enzymes, make pollen an aid to digestion. Some research suggests that pollen is absorbed directly from the stomach into the bloodstream.

Pollen is a vegetarian source of human-active B12, most of the B vitamins, vitamins A, C, D, and E, rutin, all the essential amino acids, the essential fatty acid called linoleic acid, fats, complex carbohydrates, simple sugars, RNA and DNA, steroid hormone substances, a plant hormone similar to a secretion of the human pituitary called gonadotrpin, 15% lecithin, and many other unknown factors.

According to research by doctors from France, Italy, and the former USSR, pollen is the richest source of protein in nature. Gram for gram, pollen contains an estimated 5-7 times more protein than meat, eggs, or cheese. The protein in pollen is in a predigested form and therefore easy to assimilate.

Pollen is also abundant in trace minerals, such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, manganese, potassium, copper, silicon, sulphur choline, titanium, and sodium. These minerals are highly assimilable because they are bound organically from plant metabolism.

TWO: COMPASSION: We miss chewing anything on a Juice Feast. This is one thing that you can chew on for the entire Feast, whether it is 7 days or 92.

THREE: LIFE PRACTICE: This is a major longevity food. By eating about 1 Tablespoon per day, you will develop a strong positive bond with this food that will last for a lifetime.

When buying pollen, get it from a reputable source, organic, and preferably from a refrigerator. It should cost no more than U.S. $20-30 a pound, and can cost as little as $10/lb when bought from the beekeeper.

On the Juice Feast: 1 Tablespoon of Y.S. Eco Farms Fresh Bee Pollen, maximum. Everyone who is new to bee pollen should start by placing 1 pollen granule under the tongue, to check for an allergic reaction. About 0.5 percent of the population is allergic to pollen as a food, but please check. In all my years of coaching, I have not had a single client find themselves allergic to bee pollen granules. If you are in doubt, please consult an allergist. Many people using pollen who have allergies during pollen season find a partial or complete resolution of their allergies by combining a plant-based diet and eating bee pollen as a life practice.

Vitamineral Green v 5.1 is the most current evolution of a 20-year quest to create the world’s greatest therapeutic green superfood blend. Green foods are perhaps the most healing foods on the planet, and the single most important addition to a diet you can make. They are foundational.

It simultaneously represents the innate wisdom of nature and the advancements of science. It contains an extremely potent & comprehensive array of nature’s most nutritive and cleansing superfoods, grown and processed to maximize their benefits.

It was designed to be the most nutrient dense and comprehensive superfood product ever offered. Vitamineral Green contains a full spectrum of naturally occurring, absorbable and non-toxic vitamins, minerals (including calcium) and trace minerals (including naturally colloidal and better). Vitamineral Green contains no synthetic or isolated nutrients (not excreted as expensive yellow urine or stored as toxic deposits). “Manufactured” by Mother Nature herself; not a chemist. Also naturally occurring are all the essential amino acids (protein), antioxidants, fatty acids, chlorophyll, soluble and insoluble fibers, tens of thousands of phytonutrients, and a plethora of other synergistically bound, organic nutrients. 100% whole food nutrition.

Vitamineral Green also represents a promise. A promise to you that its creator has done everything possible to ensure that it is the best superfood and nutritional product available at this time (Jameth Sheridan, N.D.)

Vitamineral Green is a unique and extremely potent combination of nature’s most deeply nourishing, cleansing, and rebuilding superfoods. Its ingredients are specifically grown, processed, and combined to maximize their beneficial effects. Supports healthy bones, regular bowel movements, cleanses and nourishes the blood, colon, liver and kidneys, plus more!

Nutrient Dense Superfood
100% Whole Food Nutrients, Organic/Wildcrafted; Absorbable Nutrients; Completely Non-Toxic in any amount. This is pure superfood! Loaded With Enzymes & Life Force; 100% highly functional, power packed ingredients – 31 TRUE Superfoods in all; NOT DILUTED with apple fiber, barley malt, sucanat, rice starch, large amounts of lecithin, or anything else; Alkalizing Organic food; 100% Vegan – and Cruelty Free

Grasses are nature’s first food. Vitamineral Green, which contains grasses plus more, is definitely nature’s original first food. Vitamineral Green is a very high quality superfood product and can be used as part of a Juice Feast.

bee pollen

On the Juice Feast: Vitamineral Green your juices, up to 2 Tablespoons per day of this or other Green Superfood Powder Concentrate, such as Pure Synergy.

“I want to tell you that Pure Synergy works! The best description I can offer is that it feels as if the cells of my body have more aliveness. I cannot recommend it highly enough. Thank you for making it available and for all the attention to quality that is evident in its preparation.” — Frank Hoffman, M.D., founding member of the American Holistic Medical Association.

Pure Synergy is a superfood blend of 60 different plants, herbs, and superfoods. This product was developed and perfected over a 20-year period by Mitchell May, PhD. It was originally conceived to help Mitchell May recover from a severe car accident that caused extreme nerve and tissue damage.

Pure Synergy is one of the only superfood products that can rival Nature’s First Food in quality and effect. We offer this product to you as healing blend that is particularly supportive of the nervous system and immune system.

Pure Synergy’s IngredientsThe following 60-plus ingredients are the world’s finest and most potent superfoods, and they are in every bottle of Pure Synergy!

Synergized Algae
3.40 grams/serving Fresh freeze-dried, cold-dried or Refractance Window dried: Pure Spirulina Crystals; Pure Klamath Crystals (Aphanizomenon flos-aquae)*; HGP Chlorella; Dunaliella salina; wildcrafted Kelp, Alaria esculenta, Kombu, Bladderwrack, Dulse, Dumontiaceae (Cryptosyphonia woodii). Algae are some of the earth’s most ancient and nutritionally rich life-forms. Daily, they produce over 70% of the earth’s oxygen supply while transforming the sun’s energy into a powerhouse of essential nutrients. By weight, Synergized Algae contains more protein, iron, vitamin B12, trace minerals, RNA, DNA, chlorophyll and beta-carotene than any other known natural food source. Synergized Algae possesses every known mineral essential to human nutrition. Our exclusive formula provides the most complete spectrum of algae available. To ensure the potency of Pure Synergy, we include organic and wildcrafted fresh freeze-dried, cold-dried or Refractance Window dried algae.

Synergized Phytonutrients & Enzymes
2.87 grams/serving Fresh freeze-dried enzymatically active Sprouts of Millet*, Quinoa*, Broccoli*; Apple Fruit*; fresh freeze-dried Blueberry*, Raspberry*; Green Papaya Fruit*; natural plant Enzymes (Amylase, cellulase, Lipase, Protease). Due to their lush, vibrant colors, organic apples and berries are an extraordinarily concentrated source of important antioxidant phytonutrients, including quercetin, ellagic and phenolic acids, anthocyanins and proanthocyanins. These phytonutrients are so beneficial that scientists now urge people to consume apples and berries daily. The berries in Pure Synergy are organic and fresh freeze-dried to fully protect and concentrate all their valuable compounds and vital enzymes.

Found in all plants and animals, enzymes are essential to maintain our health, digest our food and repair the tissues in our bodies. Without them, life ceases. Pure Synergy contains a combination of specially grown natural and organic sprout enzymes that offers a unique nutritional profile. The enzymes in Pure Synergy help maximize digestion and assimilation of all Pure Synergy’s valuable ingredients. In addition, our plant enzymes provide a natural source of highly active antioxidant enzymes.

Synergized Chinese Mushrooms & Herbs
2.61 grams/serving Reishi*, Shiitake*, Maitake*, Agaricus*, Cordyceps*. Standardized 7:1 herbal extract: Astragalus Root, Fo-Ti Root, Poria cocos Root, Codonopsis Root, Atractylodes alba Root, Rehmannia Root, Tang-Kuei Root, Eleuthero Root, Paeonia lactiflora Root, Citrus Peel, Jujube Fruit, Ginger Rhizome, Schizandra chinensis Fruit, Polygala Root, Ligusticum wallichii Root, Licorice Root. Deeply nourishing and completely balanced for both men and women, the blend of Chinese mushrooms and herbs in Pure Synergy offers one of the most venerated Chinese herbal formulas. For over 4,000 years, generations of Chinese doctors and healers have revered these herbs and mushrooms for their ability to restore and nourish chi – the natural Life Force.

Synergized Green Juices
1.72 grams/serving Fresh freeze-dried or cold-dried: juice concentrates of Wheat Grass*, Barley Grass*, Oat Grass*, Alfalfa Grass*; Parsley Leaf*, Spinach Leaf*, Kale Leaf*, Collard Leaf*. Imagine the tremendous energy that bursts forth every spring, renewing life and greening meadows with fresh grasses and wildflowers. We harvest our organically grown grasses during this time to fully capture the powerful regenerative energy and stored nutrients that plants contain in this vigorous stage of growth. Pure Synergy contains only grass juices extracted from the tough, indigestible cellulose fibers so that the grass’s valuable phytonutrients are released in our digestive systems. Our grasses are juiced at their peak of potency, concentrated and then immediately cold-dried to keep their special nutrients fresh and active.

Our Synergized Green Juices blend is a splendid source of protein, enzymes, minerals, vitamins and nature’s wonder ï chlorophyll. This blend is further enhanced by the addition of our specially grown, freeze-dried, organic green leafy vegetables, which provide an abundance of vital phytonutrients, such as lutein, sulforaphane, octacosanol and carotenes.

Synergized Western Herbs
1.15 grams/serving Fresh freeze-dried: Nettle Leaf*, Red Clover Flower*, Burdock Root*, Yellow Dock Root*, Skullcap Flower* and Leaf*, Dandelion Leaf*, Ginkgo Leaf*. Rosa canina Fruit (Rose Hips)*. Native cultures and early herbalists in the Americas prized tonic herbs for their ability to balance, regenerate and revitalize the body. These treasured herbs are unique in their ability to provide enhanced benefits when they are consumed daily for long periods of time. Unlike other companies, we offer these highly prized, tonifying herbs organically grown and fresh freeze-dried. We do this because freeze-drying is the only drying process that captures the full spectrum of their active constituents and ensures their optimal potency and freshness.

Synergized Natural Antioxidants
2 milligrams/servingBotanical extracts of Rosemary Leaf, Clove Bud, Sage Leaf. Natural Vitamin E. Because oxidation rapidly destroys the nutritional value of foods, Pure Synergy contains a completely natural and proprietary antioxidant blend of the essential oils of three powerful spices proven to preserve the freshness of highly sensitive nutritional components. Our Synergized Natural Antioxidant blend helps to ensure that your Pure Synergy remains as fresh as it was the day it was made.

On the Juice Feast: Pure Synergy in your juices, up to 2 Tablespoons per day of this or other Green Superfood Powder Concentrate, such as Vitamineral Green.

MSM by OptiMSM: Significantly Reduce Inflammation and Scar Tissue

MSM or methyl sulphonyl methane, is a sulphur compound that occurs naturally in our bodies and in our most common foods. Sulphur is found in all body cells, and in many amino acids, vitamins, enzymes and hormones essential for our health.

Sulphur in the form of OptiMSM is needed for the formation of collagen, which is the fibrous substance in connective tissue. Sulphur is therefore essential for the production of cartilaginous tissue whose elasticity is especially suited to provide support to the body. Sulphur is a significant constituent of skin, hair and nails, and has been called the “beauty mineral”.

This is a supplement that we use on a daily basis. Many of my students have had inflammation and scarring issues that have been mitigated or resolved due to therapeutic use of MSM. For more information, go to the Resources page on JuiceFeasting.com to read about The Miracle of MSM by Dr. Stanley Jacob, or go to Day 11 of The 92-Day Juice Feasting Program. Here is a statement from Bill Rich of Rich’s MSM on his experience:

My name is Bill Rich, and in 1970 when I was in an auto accident. The seat belt would not release and the engine caught on fire, trapping me in the car and cooking me for twenty minutes. I was charcoal from my arm pit down to below my knee and was never was unconscious.

For seventeen years, I cried at night trying to sleep because the scared tissue and adhesions hurt so much. The pain would not allow me to walk, for more than a total of 1 block a day without hurting real bad.

Eleven years ago a veterinarian introduced me to the nutritional sulfur (MSM). Three days later I could out march my troops, I am a 60 year old sergeant in the Oregon State Defense Force.

Later I got reports that our lotion with MSM made scar tissue go away, so I rubbed it into my burn area. That entire portion of my body was flat, purple in color, and was covered by 65 feet of grafting marks. By using the lotion I was able to concentrate the MSM in the areas that weren’t getting enough. The collagen grew in along with new blood vessels and I turned round in shape, pink in color, and now I am down from 65 feet of grafting marks to about 3 inches, and those have nearly faded out.

The MSM has made it possible for me to do all that I do today. And if you know me, you know I hardly ever stop, I just slow down. – Bill Rich

On the Juice Feast: Up to 1 Tablespoon of OptiMSM Powder in your Morning Water, and 1-2 more Tablespoons during the day in your water. If you are new to MSM, make sure to place lemon juice in your water, and begin with 1 teaspoon per quart and work up. MSM is completely non-toxic: it has a toxicity level the same as water. However, it is possible early on to use more than your body knows how to access (resulting in a sulfury burp, nothing more), so start with 1tsp in your Morning Water with Lemon, and work up over a 7-14 Day period to 1-3 Tablespoons per day.

Intestinal Movement Formula (IMF) by HealthForce Superfoods
A sluggish bowel breeds toxicity that seriously adversely affects the health of the entire body. Regular bowel movements and a clean colon is foundational to better health. In Juice Feasting, Green Vegetable Juice does act like “Liquid Plumber,” but many of us have been constipated for decades and need some extra help in the initial stages of the Feast to clear old toxic matter from the intestinal tract and colon. This superior formulation (gentle, yet effective) was designed to produce maximum colon cleansing and proper movement with minimal or no discomfort.

According to Jameth Sheridan, ND who developed this formula, “The Intestinal Movement Formula gets the bowels to move and purge without causing the gripping sometimes associated with Cascara Sagrada, Senna, or large amounts of Aloe Ferox (Cape Aloe). It also supports the elimination of fungus, harmful bacteria, and parasites. IMF does not produce rebound constipation, and is safe for long-term use.”

Q: How do I know whether to use IMF in my Juice Feast?
A: Appropriate use of IMF is during the first 7-30 days of a Juice Feast, to ensure that you are having 2-3 bowel movements each day. If you were achieving this level of BMs before the Juice Feast, or ON the Juice Feast, then you do not need IMF (or Cascara Sagrada as an alternative). If you use IMF with your Feast, an appropriate base-level amount is 2 capsules, 3x/day, and perhaps more until you achieve 2-3 BMs each day. Once you are eliminating sufficiently, you can reduce and eliminate your use of IMF on the Juice Feast.

Cascara Sagrada
This is an alternative to the Intestinal Movement Formula above, as it is widely available at organic foods stores and supplement providers. There have been a limited number of clinical trials on cascara sagrada that have explored its value for cleansing the colon before bowel examinations and similar diagnostic tests. Its value is clear for easing constipation–when it’s taken properly and at a safe dosage. In fact, cascara is such a mild laxative that it can safely be used by the elderly, and for the mild constipation that can occur following anal or rectal surgery.

Cascara Sagrada is a good source of vitamin A, vitamin B-2, vitamin B-5, calcium, manganese and potassium. The natural constituents found in Cascara Sagrada stimulate the secretion of digestive fluids, increase the flow of bile, and cleanse the intestines. Cascara Sagrada is beneficial for treating a sluggish gallbladder, digestive problems, enlarged liver, intestinal parasites, jaundice, and colitis. In addition, Cascara Sagrada may be used to treat hemorrhoids, and a variety of skin problems.

On the Juice Feast: use Cascara only if you are not having 2-3 BMs per day for the first 7-30 days. WAIT for a few days into the Feast before beginning use of this herb, as it has a strong action, and you may not need it given the Liquid Plumber effect of the Green Vegetable Juices.

Intestinal Drawing Formula (IDF) has been formulated by Jameth Sheridan, ND to draw in and eliminate poisons from the entire intestinal tract and bowel. IDF also soothes and helps rebuild the intestinal tract. IDF does not bload or constipate like psyllium-based shakes, yet it has much more toxin absorbing power, and will assist in the normalization of the bowels. This drawing formula is not habit forming, and is safe to use on the Juice Feast.

On the Juice Feast: We have spoken with Dr. Sheridan about the appropriate use of this product while Juice Feasting. We arrived at 1-2 teaspoons twice daily. It is important to use IDF away from your juices, as it will absorb the nutrition from them if taken in close proximity to your juice. The best time in the morning to use IDF would be about 45-60 minutes before your first juice of the day, and in the evening about 1-2 hours after your last juice. Start with 1 teaspoon in the morning, and 1 in the evening, and work up to 2 as you are comfortable. IDF on the 92-Day Juice Feasting Program as designed by David and Katrina Rainoshek uses IDF for the first 30 Days, as this is the point in the Feast where the most massive release of toxins occurs.

If you would like to continue using IDF throughout the Juice Feast, you can, particularly if you have been very overweight and toxic. For many, however, we begin to enter into a more rebuilding phase after Days 30-45, and we suggest leaving IDF behind and accentuating the use of Vitamineral Green by HealthForce Superfoods, which is a wonderful grounding and rebuilding complement to the Juice Feast. Vitamineral Green can be used for the rest of the Juice Feast, and even beyond.

Stone Breaker (Chanca Piedra)

Chanca Piedra (Stone Breaker) is an Amazon rainforest plant. Traditionally it is used for breaking up kidney stones, liver stones, and gall stones. It has been indicated in the treatment of urinary tract calculi (“kidney stones”) which are located in the kidney, bladder, or ureter. Can also serve as prophylactic therapy to prevent or diminish the tendency to form new stones.

Chanca Piedra is very effective at doing this. Because of its strong action, we do not use this right away, but wait at least 30 days into the Juice Feast before adding this aspect of the cleansing process in. It is, however, a good idea to get this product at the beginning of your programme. There are two ways to get this in: making the tea from the dried plant, or using a pre-made tincture. We have found that both are equally effective. If you have a history of alcoholism, or do not like the taste of an alcohol-based tincture, then definitely get the dried tea and make as directed.

On the Juice Feast: We use Stone Breaker on Days 30-60, and NOT before. For the tincture, follow the directions on the bottle, and use for 30 days.

If you have liver or kidney issues, please consult your health professional before using this powerful, yet gentle and effective formula. Go to Day 21 on The 92-Day Juice Feasting Program to download several detailed files on this formula and information on the Liver/Gallbladder.

Of note, our colleague, Dr. Jameth Sheridan, ND of HealthForce has told us he is pleased to see Break-Stone Tea used from Days 30-60 in conjunction with Vitamineral Earth, as both are excellent for moving out kidney toxicity, including kidney stones.

Kelp Granules are a convenient way to get your sea veggies, and to supply your body with much needed iodine every day of your life. Kelp granules are “salty” yet low sodium, thanks to the rich complement of potassium, magnesium, and other mineral salts. Kelp granules are an especially rich source of Potassium, Iron, Iodine, Vitamin B-6, Riboflavin, and Dietary Fiber. Phytochemicals in Kelp have been shown to absorb and eliminate radioactive elements and heavy metal contaminants from our bodies.

Thanks to our deep water kelp, you will more than meet 100% of your iodine RDA of 150 Micrograms. A serving of 1/4 teaspoon will provide approixmately 3 mg of iodine, or 20 times the RDA. Is that safe? Dr. David Brownstein, MD, thinks so. He regularly prescribes 6-12 mg of iodine as a maintenance dose, and up to 50 mg to "load" the body until it reaches sufficiency and excretes 90%. In his book, "Iodine, Why You Need It", he carefully analyzes and disproves the seven common concers with using iodine above the RDA, showing in case after case history that the whole body benefits while safely excreting excess iodine in the urine. We also know Asian cultures with high consumption of seafood and seaweed, average well above 150 mcg of iodine per day and show no ill effects, with markedly longer lifespans. If you are concerned about too much iodine, please consult your health practitioner. Otherwise, enjoy the wealth of nutrition this kelp brings you from the deep Atlantic.

On the Juice Feast: ¼ tsp per day while feasting to supply iodine.

In Juice Feasting, 100,000 Heat Unit cayenne pepper is a Major Asset to YOU. Historically in cleansing, Cayenne was used for making Master Cleanser, a topic we discuss in full on Day 6 of The 92-Day Juice Feasting Program. However, if you really enjoy it or are looking for the massive benefits of cayenne, you can put cayenne into your juices, or take it in capsule form (which I recommend most).

When buying cayenne for your Juice Feast, make sure that the container specifically says 90,000 or 100,000 HU. HU is the measurement of capsaicin in the cayenne, which has been found to be a healing agent for:

Allergies, Arthritis, Atherosclerosis, Blood Clots, Bowel Diseases, Bruises, Cancer, Common Cold, Congestive Heart Failure, Diabetes, Diabetic Neuropathy, Duodenal Ulcers, Elevated Cholesterol, Elevated Triglycerides, Fatigue, Free Radical Activity, Frostbite, Headaches, Head Congestion, Heart Arrhythmias, Heart Disease, Heart Attack, Heatstroke, Herpes Zoster, Hypertension, Indigestion, Infection, Indigestion, Lumbago, Motion Sickness, Mouth Sores, Multiple Sclerosis, Nerve Inflammation, Neuralgia, Night Blindness, Obesity, Pain, Peptic Ulcer, Duodenal Ulcer, Poor Appetite, Psoriasis, Respiratory Disorders, Shingles, Toothache.

Cayenne is truly an amazing food, and a significant asset to you. Be sure to check out Day 6 on the Juice Feasting Program for my complete research file on Cayenne and its healing & health benefits.

On the Juice Feast: Cayenne Extra Hot Capsules from Nature’s Way. Start with 1 capsule, once a day with a Juice. Work up to 2 or 3 capsules a Day, with Juice, after 20+ Days of using 1 capsule of Cayenne.

When using Cayenne Powder: Start with about 1/10th of a teaspoon of powder in your Juice, and if desired, work up from there. We have had students with diabetes use up to a teaspoon of cayenne powder in each quart of juice, but this is a LOT of cayenne. If you don’t have diabetes, stick with my guidance above. :) And if you do have Diabetes, consider Professional Coaching for your Juice Feast!

Hawaiian Spirulina is an exceptional food and an incredible source of concentrated, non-toxic, absorbable nutrients. It is a highly beneficial substitute for protein powders. The protein in Spirulina contains all 8 essential amino acids, making it a complete protein. Spirulina (a blue-green algae), also contains vitamins A, B-1, B-2, B-6, B-12, E, and K. In addition, Spirulina also provides minerals, trace minerals, cell salts, phytonutrients and enzymes, as well as an abundance of chlorophyll & other beneficial pigments.

Raw meat is 27% protein, and even soybeans are 34% protein. Spirulina is 65% complete protein, making it the world’s highest known source!Plus, our Spirulina Maxima is dried at low temperatures (enzyme active), so protein utilization is maximized versus a heated protein.

Spirulina is a water-grown, 100% vegetable plankton. It is a blue-green algae that grows in fresh water lakes throughout the world.

The ancient Aztecs thrived on Spirulina from Lake Texcoco in Mexico. For the people who live around the lake in Chad, Africa, Spirulina has been a mainstay in their diet for generations.

On the Juice Feast: you can add 1-2 Tablespoons total of either Spirulina, Chlorella, E-3 Live, or a combination of any of these to your juices each day to add chloropyll, protein, and nutrient density to your juices.

Juice Feasting Founders David and Katrina do not Juice Feast without using these powerful green superfood concentrates, and you will find yourself continuing to use these in your green juices and smoothies as a valuable life practice beyond the Feast.

Nutrex Pure Hawaiian Spirulina is grown in the U.S.A. without the use of pestcides and processed at low temperatures (to retain enzymes and other heat-sensitive elements). You can find other great sources of Spirulina at your local organic market.

Chlorella is a powerful high-protein algae. It is about 65% assimilable protein. There are five grams of protein in one teaspoon or fifteen grams in one tablespoon. Two or three heaping tablespoons can provide the estimated thirty grams of extra protein needed per day for pregnancy. This algae is very high in Chlorella Growth Factor, which is a powerful anabolic energy that supports the growth of the fetus, and healthy new tissues in adults. It contains carotenoids, high amounts of magnesium, and the super detoxifier known as chlorophyll. It also contains approximately ten times more chlorophyll than spirulina.

Most of the chlorellas are considerably more assimilable today than when this food product first came on the market, because most of the companies have figured out how to break the cell walls in a way that does not destroy the nutrients and which maximizes assimilation. Broken-Cell Wall Chlorella is the best algae for pulling heavy metals out of the system, particularly mercury, lead, cadmium, uranium, and arsenic. Gabriel Cousens, M.D. uses chlorella more in the preparing-for-conception stage with his clients because it is so specific for heavy metals. It also helps boost the immune system because it contains a compound known as chlorellan, which stimulates the production of interferon and the activity of macrophages (important defense cells in our immune system). Because of this and other reasons, chlorella has a strong anti-cancer activity.

On the Juice Feast: In your juice, up to 2 Tablespoons per day of Organic Broken-Cell Wall Chlorella, or Spirulina, or E3Live, or a combination. Your choice!

For much more of David Rainoshek’s research and presentations on Chlorella, Spirulina, E3Live, and other miraculous Green Superfoods, see Day 20 of The 92-Day Juice Feasting Program.

E3Live AFA is the only form of blue green algae that is fresh frozen live and harvested only at peak times of optimal growth from the deepest, most pristine waters of Upper Klamath Lake. 

The purity and promise E3Live offers is unprecedented. With only one ingredient, Aphanizomenon flos-aquae – freshwater edible algae (AFA), E3Live has harvested one of nature’s perfect foods. With more chlorophyll than any other natural food, amino acid, enzymes, antioxidants, minerals, B-12 vitamins and both omega 3 and 6 essential fatty acids.

Supplementing with E3Live can:

  • Normalize the appetite

  • improve weight loss

  • Boost Immune System

  • Promote healthy cholesterol

Clarify and sharpen eyesight

Increase endurance and strength

Improve emotional stability

  • Detoxify Heavy Metals

  • Enhance blood flow to the brain

  • Help maintain blood sugar levels

Produce a more sound and restful sleep

  • Optimize brain’s ability to use glucose for energy

Improve memory

Promote growth of strong skin, nails, and hair

One of my (David) favorite quotes ever about Live Foods was from a friend who said that the first time he had E3Live, he opened the bottle and had about 6 Tablespoons (suggested is 1 Tablespoon at at time). He said: 

“I felt like ripping my clothes off and running into the wilderness.” 

If it has been a while since you felt this way, you might check out E3Live for the Blue/Green Algae aspect of your Juice Feast. It is easy to add to your Juices.

Hemp seeds are the only food known that contain the exact ratio of essential fatty acids (one part omega 3 to three parts omega 6). Flax seeds and flax oil provide therapeutic quantities of omega 3, yet hemp seeds provide a long-term stable source of omega 3, omega 6, as well as omega 6 (GLA), and omega 9 (a beautifying monounsaturated fat). This is why we have chosen hemp oil over flax oil for the Juice Feasting Program, and for lifetime use after the Feast.

Omega 3 fatty acids (found in hemp seeds, hemp oil, flax seeds, and flax oil) are essential fatty acids (they are called “essential” because they must be present in our diet to experience good health). These fatty acids are strong antioxidants. They protect us from the sun and build beautiful skin. They also strengthen the immune system and help us to burn excess fat.

Cold-Pressed Hemp Seed Oil is the highest natural source of gamma linolenic acid (GLA), a type of super-omega 6 fatty acid that has strong anti-inflammatory properties. GLA also helps maintain hormonal balance. Within unsprouted hemp seeds we find small undeveloped green leaves waiting to be sprouted, making hemp seeds one of the few unsprouted seeds that contain chlorophyll.

Hemp seeds also contain a significant quantity of lecithin. This nutrient is excellent for building the internal organs (liver, brain, etc.).

On the Juice Feast: 1 Tablespoon of Cold-Pressed Hemp Seed Oil each day, off a spoon, while having your Juice. The fats in the Hemp Seed Oil, when had with Juice, will help you assimilate the fat-soluble vitamins in your fresh Juices!

Essential Fats #2: Cold-Pressed Coconut Oil

Cold-Pressed Coconut Oil has been used as a food and a medicine since the dawn of history. Ayurveda (the medicine of India) has long advocated its therapeutic and cosmetic properties.

On a Juice Feast, coconut oil has several uses:

1. for the skin;
2. for eating (up to 1 Tablespoon per day);
3. for use in lubricating the enema kit and yourself during an enema.

Reasons number 1 and 2 are explained below. Reason 3 is because coconut oil acts as an antimicrobial, antibacterial, antifungal agent, and is very resistant to rancidity, as opposed to olive oil or sesame oil, which are commonly used for enemas, but tend to photoxidize and go rancid. Stick with coconut for your enemas. It makes a great erotic oil as well, provided you do not put it on latex.

Nutritional Value
Unlike the high-calorie, cholesterol-soaked, long-chain saturated animal fats found in meat and dairy products, coconut oil is a raw saturated fat containing mostly medium-chain fatty acids (MCFA’s) which the body can metabolize efficiently and convert to energy quickly. By weight, coconut oil has less calories than any other fat source.

Lauric acid, the major fatty acid from the fat of the coconut, has long been recognized for the unique properties that it lends to nonfood uses in the soaps and cosmetics industry. More recently, lauric acid has been recognized for its unique properties in food use, which are related to its antiviral, antibacterial, and antiprotozoal functions. Now, capric acid, another of coconut’s fatty acids has been added to the list of coconut’s antimicrobial components. These fatty acids are found in the largest amounts only in traditional lauric fats, especially from coconut. Also, recently published research has shown that natural coconut fat in the diet leads to a normalization of body lipids, protects against alcohol damage to the liver, and improves the immune system’s anti-inflammatory response.

Easy on the Liver/Gallbladder

The shorter MCFA chains require less energy and fewer enzymes to digest. Coconut oil can be emulsified in digestion without burdening the liver or gallbladder. Thus, coconut oil provides more energy, more quickly. Anyone who suffers from poor digestion—and especially liver or gallbladder trouble—would benefit from eating coconut oil.

On the Juice Feast: Up to 1 Tablespoon of Organic Cold-Pressed Virgin Coconut Oil per day, eaten plain off a spoon, with Juice or in between Juices.

On Day 18 of The 92-Day Juice Feasting Program, we go deep on Coconuts for Health and Healing. Enjoy!

Jameth Sheridan, ND on The story of Earth™:

“I wanted a deeply nutritive and grounding counterpart to Vitamineral™ Green: One that had the best sources of essential fatty acids, cleansing and highly nutritive roots, and colon detoxifying and supportive foods. These foods have different nutritional characteristics than greens. Some suggested that I just add more ingredients to Vitamineral™ Green. However, doing that would dilute by 50% the highly cleansing and nutritive superfoods that were already there. Thus, Earth™ can be used on its own as a grounding superfood blend, or taken in the same day as Vitamineral™ Green for a balance of yin and yang, and a huge infusion of resonant, deeply nutritive, extremely mineral-rich, grounding sustenance and Life Force.”

David and Katrina Rainoshek: 

“Vitamineral Earth is an addition to the Juice Feast, having been integrated after discussing Juice Feasting with our colleague Jameth Sheridan, ND at the 2007 Raw Spirit Festival in Sedona, Arizona. 

We have decided to begin the use of Earth at Day 30 of the Juice Feast, in order to deepen the cleansing and tonifying aspects of the Program with elements such as dandelion, milk thistle, ginger, and probiotics, and to accentuate the rebuilding aspect of Juice Feasting with kelp, nettle, chia, and probiotics. Vitamineral Earth is an excellent compliment to Vitamineral Green, and we are pleased to include it in the Juice Feast as an optional integration.”

Ingredients: 100% Organic or Wildcrafted Foods:

  • Earth Above™: • Purslane (Verdolaga)*, • Kelp, • Slippery Elm Bark *Contains Omega-3 EFAs.

  • Earth Below™/Earth Roots™: • Queen of the Meadow Root/Gravel Root, • Nettle Root, • Dandelion Root, • Hydrangea Root, • Marshmallow Root, • Ginger.

  • Earth Seeds™: • Sprouted Flax Seeds, • Chia Seeds, • Milk Thistle Seeds.

  • Earth Broth™: • Miso, • Paprika, • Cumin, • Rosemary Leaf, • Sage Leaf. Providing essential organic sodium and grounding spices of life.

  • Earthbiotics™: • Massive array of both implantable lactobacillus species and NSOs™ (Natural Soil Organisms™).

  • Actual Food™ Nutrient Array: (containing 100% organically bound • Chromium, • Selenium, • Molydbenum, • B-Vitamins, • Beta-Glucans, and all necessary co-factors).* *Grown on saccharomyces cerevisia.

On the Juice Feast: Due to the cleansing nature of Earth™, start with 1 teaspoon in water or juice and gradually increase to 1 heaping tablespoon per day during the Juice Feast beginning on Day 30, and up to 2 heaping tablespoons per day once you have completely Closed Your Juice Feast Skillfully. If you experience temporary cleansing reactions that you find undesirable (such as loose bowels), reduce amount used to 1 teaspoon or less, and then increase over 7-14 Days to 1 heaping tablespoon.

You have an incredible asset for Parasite Cleansing while Juice Feasting. Thousands of Juice Feasters worldwide have had excellent results SCRAM, formulated by Jameth Sheridan, ND.

SCRAM Internal Parasite Cleanse
This Parasite Formula by Jameth Sheridan, ND is an update and upgrade from the previous program I used with clients for many years: Parastroy. Now, if you find that the new cleanse by HealthForce Superfoods is a little out of range for you in terms of cost, please go to your local organic/natural foods store or online and find Parastroy and use it. It is effective, or I would not have used it in the Juice Feasting Program for the first 5 years of professional practice. Now, let’s look at SCRAM, the top-notch parasite cleanse developed our colleague, Jameth Sheridan, ND.

SCRAM is a very powerful aspect of the Juice Feasting Program that everyone should consider taking advantage of. Many of us have parasites in our bodies, the Juice Feast is an excellent time – while you are already cleansing – to make sure that you give parasites a strong and thorough eviction notice.

This parasite cleanse formulation uses the time tested herbs Black Walnut, Cloves, and Wormwood to kill parasites; Milk Thistle Seed Extract and Wasabi Extract have been added to support the liver and help control die-off reactions from parasites and harmful microbes. SCRAM is ideal to take with Vitamineral Green, and for further support in managing the die-off symptoms of this Formula Dr. Sheridan highly recommends using Liver Rescue III.

On the Juice Feast: Start on Day 60 (or do during your normal daily diet after your Juice Feast) with one capsule per day with your 2nd or 3rd Quart of Juice and increase as follows below each day until you reach 10 with one juice. Take until the bottle of 150 capsules is all gone.

Your 17-Day SCRAM Parasite Cleanse (Starting on Day 60 of your Juice Feast) will look like this:

  • Day One: One VeganCap™.

  • Day Two: Three VeganCaps™.

  • Day Three: Six VeganCaps™

  • Days Four – Seventeen: Ten VeganCaps™.

This will total 150 capsules – there are 150 in the bottle. Watch for parasites to come out! A colonic at this time can be helpful in moving these guys out.

Q: If I am Juice Feasting for less than 60 Days, when can I do a Parasite Cleanse?
A: In that case, you are totally fine using SCRAM after the Juice Feast. Simply follow the directions as they are written on the container, and you are set. You do not need to do this during a Juice Feast for it to be completely effective. We have included it for your information, and so that you are aware you can do it if you are Juice Feasting for more than 60 Days. If you are not Juice Feasting that long, that is a-okay! Just do a parasite cleanse while you are eating your diet founded on The Four Means to Get Your Greens.

Many of us are very low in this nutrient – and our supplementation of it can be dialed up for huge health benefits.

Iodine is detected in every organ and tissue in the body. It is found in high levels in the thyroid, breast, stomach, saliva, ovaries, liver, lung, heart, and adrenals. It is essential in pregnancy. Iodine is essential for the heart. The thyroid hormones (which are molecules containing iodine) have major effects on the heart and circulatory system. It is a potent anti-cancer agent, as iodine is antagonistic to fungus, and as you will learn in The 92-Day Juice Feasting Program, cancer is often a fungus.

Nascent Iodine (Detoxadine) is an exceptional form of iodine that is rapidly absorbed by the body when taken as a nutritional supplement.

It is associated with a diverse range of benefits, including support for thyroid function and metabolism regulation, boosting energy levels (when iodine is deficient), assisting and maintaining detoxification systems, improving immunity, fighting infections (natural antiseptic), and other benefits. Because of its antiseptic properties, it also can be used effectively to purify water for drinking.

On the Juice Feast: 3-5 Drops in your Morning Water and 3-5 Drops in your Evening Water.

For more information, you will want to check out Day 24: The Thyroid on The 92-Day Juice Feasting Program. David provides his 33-page in-depth report on Iodine for you there, including invaluable resources and guidance for how to use Nascent Iodine therapeutically.

80% of us are deficient in this essential vitamin. What’s worse – the plant-based diet that many of us eat for health and healing actually decreases our stores of B12 faster than a diet with animal products – and this includes Juice Feasting.

Being low in B12 also means inflammation, poor digestion (bloating), LOW ENERGY, depression, poor sleep, and eventually things like Alzheimer’s disease.

But this does not need be the case, not in the least. We can properly supplement with human-active Vitamin B12. I highly recommend that you supplement with Vitamin B-12 during and after your Juice Feast.

For more information, watch David’s free B12 Exposed Presentation linked here.

And if you are ready to integrate Human-Active Vitamin B-12, this is the stuff :) I cannot recommend highly enough supplementing Vitamin B-12. Definitely watch the B12 Exposed Presentation.

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